

Archive for the ‘financial market’ Category

Costello Corporation variance

Costello Corporation manufactures a single product. The standard cost per unit of product is shown below. The predetermined manufacturing overhead rate is $16 per direct labor hour ($40.00 2.50). It was computed from a master manufacturing overhead budget based on normal production of 14,750 direct labor hours (5,900 units) for the month. The master budget showed total variable costs of $88,500 ($6.00 per hour) and total fixed overhead costs of $147,500 ($10.00 per hour). Actual costs for October in producing 3,200 units were as follows.

SMC expenses of operating a single bus and the fleet of five buses for a year

SMC is a public school having five buses each plying in different directions for the transport of its school students. In view of a larger number of students availing of the bus service the buses work two shifts daily both in the morning and in the afternoon. The buses are garaged in school. The workload of the students has been so arranged that in the morning the first trip picks up senior students and the second trip plying an hour later picks up the junior students. Similarly in the afternoon the first trip takes the junior students and an hour later the second trip takes the senior students home.

Porfolio Managment

This project is a 10 page long including work cited. The topic is Portfolio Managment and i am researching COP. I already made most of it i just need it to be in a paper. I have a presentation that has information for the company you can you use. i took these info for COP website and Yahoo finance. I uploaded my powerpoint of the company and the paper outline It should be in MLA style.

Asset Allocation Criteria

For this assignment you need to write a 2-3 page paper (not including the cover page or a reference page) on:
  • What Asset Allocation means.
  • Why investors would be concerned about Asset Allocation.
  • How an investor would go about selecting Optimal Asset Classes.
  • A minimum of two APA cited references are required, with at least one being from an outside source you find by searching the Internet.


Leisure behaviors differ across the different stages of human development. Considering children and youth, please describe the cognitive (brain) and physical (body) changes that take place as a human being ages from infancy, toddler, early childhood, and late childhood. Tell me how leisure behavior may change as a result of these change. (Hint: Discuss Piaget's work on cognition and Erikson's work on psychology in the Kleiber et al. (2011) readings, and review Dr. Ralston's lectures.)

Financial Risk Management

  1. Systematically understand the steps involved in the financial risk management process, identify and prioritize key financial risks,
  2. Distinguish between different types of risks, and undertake a practical analysis of these risks for a particular company,
  3. Comprehensively understand the main financial risk management tools and techniques, develop a hedging strategy for a company,
  4. Critically evaluate the impact of the recent financial crisis on modern risk management practices, and comprehensively understand the changes which are being currently introduced into financial markets to comply with the new, post-crisis regulatory financial reform,
  5. Critically appraise theories that underlie current thinking in Financial Risk Management, and demonstrate effective oral communication of complex arguments, as well as possess developed listening skills.

The study of government regulation and the competitive environment for business is relevant to all those who study business. All business candidates need to understand how the competitive environment will impact their employers and businesses.

Answer them 5 pages

Students who are not pursuing ordination should review both sets of questions listed above and then submit a paper of 5 to 8 pages, double-spaced in 12-point font, with 1” margins, in response to the following questions: “(1) Given the emphasis on this class in helping persons sort through the call from God to service in the church, why do you think these questions are important for candidates for ministry to answer as they pursue ordination? (2) What is the relationship between the ministry of all Christians and the ministry of the ordained? How are they alike? How are they different? In what ways are both vital to the mission of the church?”

Whole Foods Market,

  1. Summarize the company’s financial performance for 2010. Do you think they satisfied stockholder expectations? Why or why not?
  2. Explain three business risks or threats that might threaten Whole Foods ability to accomplish their financial goals for the next 3 years. Use examples and references to support your response.
  3. Describe three examples of control activities Whole Foods Market, Inc. could use to minimize these risks.
  4. What is your overall impression of Whole Foods Market, Inc.’s annual report? Is it a financial accounting document or a managerial accounting document? Who is the target audience? Did the annual report present a positive or negative image of the company? Provide support for your responses.

ABC Analysis