

Archive for the ‘Investment’ Category

Risk and Return – Finance

III. Risk and Return • To understand the risk profile of the company, estimate risk parameters and the hurdle rates for the firm, try answering the following questions: 1. Estimati ng Historical Risk Parameters (Top Down Betas) Run a regression of returns on your firm's stock against returns on a market index, preferably using monthly data and 5 years of observations (or) If you have access to Bloomberg, go into the beta calculat ion page and print off the page (after setting return intervals to monthly and using 5 years of data) • What is the intercept of the regression? What does it tell you about the performance of this company's stock during the period of the regression? • What is the slope of the regression? - What does it tell you about the risk of the stock? - How precise is this estimate of risk? (Provide a range for the estimate.) • What portion of this firm's risk can be attributed to market factors? What portion to firm - specific factors? Why is this important? •

Portfolio Project-Stocktrak

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Portfolio Project In an attempt to integrate real-world investment management experience into classroom setting, the class will be divided into teams of no more than 2 students. Each team will be assigned a brokerage account containing an initial cash balance of $1,000,000. Each team will register for an online account with Stock-Trak (www.stocktrak.com) at a cost of $22.95. The account will be activated on Apr 4th, 2016 and up to 200 online trades can be executed through May 20th, 2016. Each team can buy, sell, buy on margin, and sell short almost all common stocks. Teams can also trade options, futures, bonds, mutual funds, and currencies. Each portfolio must include long position in at least 4 but not more than 15 stocks. No more than 25 percent of the portfolio should be invested in one company. All positions taken by the team must be held