

Archive for the ‘Literature’ Category

Read And the Soul Shall Dance

For this assignment, you are in charge of getting bums in seats! Read And the Soul Shall Dance (pages 220-248 in your textbook) and develop a marketing strategy for a production in your town/city. While a dollar figure is not given, consider that your marketing campaign has  a modest budget.

Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto

..Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci, identifying specific elements of the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles. Discuss whether you would have sided with Veronese or with Inquisition court, considering the issues of artistic freedom, right of the patron, and appropriate subject matter. Provide a rationale for your response. Describe a real modern situation where similar issues arise, like a controversial film, a professor with controversial views, a business owner expressing a religious opinion in public, a business owner who has an employee who is "just different", et

meaning of the Hebrew word for covenant

Write a synopsis of 500-750 words that provides a thorough definition of the word covenant.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required

Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

Compare and contrast two Native American writers: Sherman Alexie and Charles East

Compare and contrast two Native American writers: Sherman Alexie and Charles Eastman. Consider how dialogue, description, and details are used or explore significant changes in voice, theme, and characterization in these stories about diversity in America. Respond in a five-paragraph APA essay format with quotes, proper in-text citations, and references.

Identify the main concepts of Montesquieu, Beccaria, and Bentham

Write at least three well-developed paragraphs. Identify the main concepts of Montesquieu, Beccaria, and Bentham and discuss examples of these concepts that you find in today’s corrections system. What has changed since the days of Enlightenment thinking? What hasn't changed?


In addition to the project itself, you’ll first be tasked with creating a proposal for the topic you intend to research and write on. This will discuss your intentions for both major assignments—what you intend to look into for the first paper as well as how you intend to adapt it for the second one. It is not necessary for you to get into specific sources already, as you’ve yet to conduct thorough research, though it might be beneficial for you to do some searching on your own to learn about your topic. In your proposal, you might discuss what you already know about your topic, what you don’t know, what interests you about it, why it’s important, or the larger importance of your topic. Think of this as your initial idea formation phase in order to more fully develop where you intend to take your research. This isn’t meant to cast your topic in stone—your ideas might change as you conduct research and learn new things. That’s completely normal. However, any wholesale ch

Language Development Face-to-Face

The goal of this assignment is to apply what you have learned about one stage of language development (prelinguistic, phonological, or semantic) and how important adults can foster language development during that stage. You will observe an infant or toddler and his or her interaction with the adult. After the observation, you will interview the adult about the child's language in this stage of development.

Revolt of Mother

Revolt of Mother" emphasizes the norm of daily experience for women (a realism characteristic). Identify and explain at least three realism characteristics that help to reveal the daily experiences of Sarah Penn in the story

Explain how “Editha” embodies realism Characteristics

Explain how "Editha" embodies realism characteristics. Your response should identify and explain at least two realism characteristics from each of the following lecture sections: "Principles," "Characterization," & "Realistic Techniques."  Minimum length (300 words), approx. a page and half typed double spaced pages.