The Importance of Being Ernest
Evaluating Truth and Validity Exercise Select three of the scenarios in the Applications list 12.2 (a.-y.) at the end of Ch. 12 in The Art of Thinking. Apply the following in 350 to 500 words for each scenario: • Evaluate each argument, using the 4-step process described on p. 218, regarding soundness of reasoning (truth and validity). • Explain your assessment and add alternative argumentation where necessary. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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2 pages
To prepare you for the kind of assignments you can expect, here is practice with vocabulary and summary. l. A list of vocabulary, including musical concepts and musical instruments. This musical dictionary site is a good place to start. Please define and document your source. 1.symphony 2.melody 3.harmony 4.dissonance 5.fanfare 7.finale 8.absolute music 9.tone poem 10.the four parts of the orchestra--groupings of the instruments 2. Three lists: the most important accomplishments of: Ludwig von Beethoven Leonard Bernstein Leopold Stokowski is a good place to start. Please do not cut and paste from your source--reword in your own words. Do not plagiarize!
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1-Earl Whitecloud is an American high-school student. He is constantly teased and bullied by his classmates because he occasionally wears clothing that represents his Native-American heritage. As a result, Earl spends most of his time at school alone, is absent far more than the average student, and performs poorly at school.
As Earl’s teacher, who acutely perceives the problem, you decide to devote a class period to talking about diversity and accepting cultural differences.
What three points will you emphasize the most and why?
Will you involve Earl in the discussion? Why or why not?
2- James is an African American heterosexual male who is also a counselor at a community mental-health center. Though James does not outwardly reject others with different sexual orientations, he is not empathetic toward people struggling with sexual identity issues. James feels that homosex
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In a narrative tell the story of Death coming to pick up one of the characters from the novel The Book Thief (Choose a random character of your choice from the novel.) Be sure to: *establish multiple points of view *include dialogue *use vivid sensory details *carefully control the progression of events, which may include flashbacks *use precise diction that considers the connotations of words as well as the denotations *and bring the narrative to a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the character's experiences from the novel and your narrative
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Postmodernism: lets start by seeing what Wikipedia has to say about it:
While encompassing a broad range of ideas and projects, postmodernism is typically defined by an attitude of skepticism or distrust toward grand narratives, ideologies, and various tenets of Enlightenment rationality, including the existence of objective reality and absolute truth, as well as notions of rationality, human nature, and progress.[3] Instead, it asserts that knowledge and truth are the product of unique systems of social, historical, and political discourse and interpretation, and are therefore contextual and constructed.
So, truth is contextual and constructed. And what%u0432%u0402%u2122s more, the %u0432%u0402%u045Atruths%u0432%u0402%u045C of humanism and the Enlightenment that have been guiding artists from the Renaissance on are actually only stories that legitimate
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Choose THREE of the Party's techniques of control, AND discuss how each of these diminishes the humanity of the citizens of Oceana. How to set it up: INTRODUCTION - here, define the things that make us human. Then in your thesis list the three things that the Party does which restrict the quality of being "human". Body Paragraphs - Use one body paragraph to discuss each of the three techniques of control by the Party but also make sure to relate that technique to what it is to be human and discuss how that technique takes that away.