

Archive for the ‘Literature’ Category

Comparing and Contrasting “Araby” and “A&P”

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For this paper, you will need to read John Updike’s “A&P” with great care and compare it with James Joyce’s “Araby.” In preparation for the discussion, think about how Sammy in Updike’s story resembles or differs from the unnamed boy in Joyce’s “Araby” and read Howard Wells’ article comparing the two stories. Wells, W.(1993). John Updike's `A&P': A return to Araby. Studies In Short Fiction, 30(2), 127. In a minimum of 200 words, briefly describe one character from “A&P,” discussing whether or not the character is “rounded” or “flat.” Compare or contrast your selected “A&P” character with a character from Joyce’s “Araby,” also noting whether the “Araby” character is “round” or “flat.” What makes them complex characters or flat? Discuss one attribute for each character from each story and discus


Assignment Requirements   INCLUDES SLIDES/POWER POINT/ANALYSIS INSTRUCTIONS WILL NEED TO BE SENT TO WRITER..   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Questions about Sundiata an epic of old Mali

Assignment Requirements   Please give an excellent answer for the following questions with your own response and thoughts. 11 Questions so, every 4 questions in a page you may write more if you need. Note that my professor is African American and I am Muslim student so do not say anything contradict with us. 1.What qualities in Sundiata's character define him as a hero? Use specifics to describe his strengths that helped him to defeat the evil Soumaoro. 2.Do you consider the griot to be a historian or a storyteller or a combination? Defend your answer. 3.What qualities make Soumaoro a bad ruler? Be specific. 4.What is the griot's perception of mankind in general? How does this depiction help to explain the need for heroes like Sundiata? 5.What is the value of hospitality in Malian customary behavior? How is it shown to be useful or harmful depending on how it is used? 6. Why is patience so heavily stressed as a virtue by the griot? How does patience aid humans? 7.The griot su

American modernism

Assignment Requirements American Modernism: What, in your understanding are defining characteristics of American modernism? Use the essay "Modern Period 1910-1945 from the "Heath Anthology of American Literature" (isbn# 978-0-618-25663-1) pp. 1713-1736) to support your understanding of these. Briefly discuss which characteristics can be found (and how they are used) in the following texts: - e.e. cummings "next to of course god america i" - William Carlos Williams "The Red Wheelbarrow" - Ernest Hemingway "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" General instructions: - Do not use less than 500 or more than 700 words - The paper should be in the form of a short argumentative essay, i.e. it must include an introduction with thesis statement, clear body paragraphs, and a conclusion. - Use of secondary literature is obligated. However, you must also cite from the primary texts to substantiate your argument.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/or

Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

Assignment Requirements   Hi i need you to answer the questions about the movie and the book "Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close" I will post a total of 6 files soon. You need to answers all the question for the Study guide 1-3, Film Analysis, and the Writing Prompt. For the writing prompt, you need to answer follow the format exactly the same like the writing prompt's example that i am going to send you. You will need to have the book and the movie to answer this questions because you are required to put quotes in your answers. Thank you   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Analysis of Nabokov's Pnin and Lolita

Assignment Requirements   First make sure you have read Nabokov's Pnin and Lolita, there are 3 parts of this essay, each part is 3 pages. Part 1: Using both Pnin and Pniniad, please discuss in detail the difference between Pnin as an Alien and Pnin as an Exile and how it is presented by Nabokov. Feel free to trace the transformation of the work from the New Yorker stories to the finished novel and how that affected the Alien-Exile dichotomy in the protagonist. Part 2: Please argue – or agree – with the statement that Lolita is “The only convincing love story of our century.” Even if you vehemently disagree with this characterization, what do you think makes it possible for some critics – and filmmakers – to see Lolita as a “love story”? If you agree, how do you reconcile Humbert’s treatment of Lolita with any kind of “romance”? Where do you think is Nabokov in it all? Did he want at least some ambiguity to be there? In your analysis please use at least 4 c

Women in African Cultures

Assignment Requirements   Please answer the following questions: 1. How do the media view African women and African cultures? 2.What are the historical factors behind such depictions? 3. What are the main arguments raised in the following readings? a. Ebere, Charles. 2011. Beating the Masculinity Game: Evidence from African Traditional Religion. CrossCurrents. 61 (4), 480-495. b. Beoku-Betts, Josephine. 2005. “Contested Representations: Western Perceptions of African Women in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.” And, Sudarkasa, Niara. 2005. “The Status of Women in Indigenous African Societies: From the Strength of Our Mothers.” In Andrea Cornwall. Readings in Gender in Africa. Indiana University Press (please note that Beoku-Betts, Josephine & Sudarkasa, Niara are 2 short combined readings in the same document). c. Lewis Desiree. 2004. “African Gender Research and Post-coloniality,” In Signe Anfred (ed.), African Gender Scholarship: Concepts, Methodologies &a