Compare and contrast 2 respiratory diseases, one that is animal related and one that is plant based. Be specific.
3-5 Pages
APA format
12 font New Times Roman
double spaced
reference page(at least 4 references)
Mrs. Fairfax believes that Rochester will marry Blanche Ingram. Their social status is equal, and Blanche's family believes Rochester to be a good match for their daughter. Jane is angry with herself for falling in love with a man who is out of her social reach. Describe Jane and Blanche Ingram and compare their positive and negative qualities. Do you think Rochester prefers one woman to the other? Why? Cite examples from the novel to support your essay.
5 paragraph's
5 sentences each
Es sind bereits einige Seiten geschrieben, zusätzlich sollen noch 10-12 weitere Seiten inklusive Fazit verfasst werden.
Es sind schon mehrere Quellen verzeichnet, zwei bis drei weitere wären trotzdem noch gut.
Das Ganze soll sich auf Philosophieren anhand von Bilderbüchern beziehen. Die Zitierweise ist mir prinzipiell egal, solange sie durchgehend gleich ist ;-)
To what extent, to the poems you have studies present adulthood and childhood as two separate worlds?
Within the first chapters of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the reader can perceive distinctions between the characters and their epistemologies. Looking at Chapters 1-13, examine four different characters; identify and summarize each character’s specific epistemology and how that epistemology affects each character’s decisions.
Summary of tasks:
Choose four characters
Identify each character’s epistemology
Summarize each character’s epistemology
Explain how the character’s epistemology affects his or her decisions in the novel thus far.
Introduce the author, title, and the four competing epistemologies in your introduction.
Use at least two quotes per body paragraph to exemplify each epistemology.
Use MLA citations
Write a short essay about how the American Gothic texts have evolved from their European predecessors in the novel The Shinning.
About500 words
Include(simple intro, 3 body(each body needs one quote from the novel: the shining)).
Select an article relevant to your field of study from one of the following professional websites. You may not use the same article you used in your Unit 2 or Unit 4 Assignment. Read the article and apply what you have learned about appropriate language and writing professional documents to complete the following Assignment:
Write a 1 to 1 and ½-page Executive Summary of the article you have chosen, organized into 3–4 paragraphs. You may write to a business audience either for the company you currently work for, or imagine that you are working as a consultant for a business or non-profit or charity organization and write to an appropriate audience within that organization. Summarize the main points of this article and explain how the information contained within the article is relevant to a specific issue or problem the company is currently facing. Make a recommendation for what your audience should do with this information. You may use
Part One - List the Six Elements of Music (complete chapter titles) found in Chapters 1-3; 5-7.
Part Two - Name the four families of Western Musical Instruments (p. 39 and following) and give four examples of each family.
The listing should be double spaced and legible.
A grading rubric will be used to grade this listing (see Rubrics).
General Guidelines
- Create your listing as a document on your computer and save it in your documents.
- Double-space the text of your listing, and use a legible font like Times Roman. The font size should be 12 pt, NO LARGER. Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
- Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides. Indent the first line of a paragraph one half-inch (five spaces or press tab once) from the left margin.
- Use either italics or underlining throughout your listing for the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, providing emphasis.
Formatting the First Page of Your List