Why does the storytelling pace of ( book )The Alchemist suits for Chinese English learners.
Please use at lease 2 peer reviewed journals as your reference. Student shouldn't write a summary of The Alchemist to fill up the pages.
The third paper for Writing in the Disciplines must be 7-8 full pages, double-spaced, of standard margins and type size.
In each of the essays on modern literary or art movements that we have read for this class, a historicist view has been taken that identifies Modernism and Modernist practitioners (of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries) as radically different from any kind of movement that preceded it. Whether in Edmund Wilson’s essay on the Symbolists, Malcolm Bradbury’s and James McFarlane’s essay on the Modernists, or Renato Poggioli’s essay on the Avant-Garde, a bold but perhaps debatable argument is made that the aesthetic movements of the last century stand apart as evidence of a cultural crisis that existed at no other time in Western history. In your essay, I want you to select two poets or artists (or a combination) discussed in any of these essays and to write a research paper explaining what is so radically new about their work.
have attached the assignment requirements/instructions and a research proposal of the said topic. %u0412 Please ensure to follow the instructions in finding digital sources and formatting must be in MLA8 including the works cited. %u0412 Also, please read my research proposal to understand the key points required for the assignment.