Teams—groups of people working together—are staples in many work environments. However, as this week’s Resources acknowledge, there are pros and cons to group work. Adult learning experts generally believe that group work is extremely important. Yet, in practice, there is often resistance to group work—and it can come from both adult educators and learners.
Reflect on your own experiences with group work as an adult learner and/or in a specific job. Bring to mind positive experiences and consider what elements and/or dynamics among group members were present. Consider negative experiences. What was missing or flawed? Why do such experiences lead to resistance to group work?
Also consider your philosophy of group work and whether the resources and your learning his week have influenced that view.
Claim/Evidence Outline= Please look at English Composition page 95+96 for Example.
This paper is going to be on graded on the quality of the sources. You need minimum of 5 sources from different publications( in other words, don't do 4 New York Times articles).
SOURCES MUST INCLUDE: 1) The law from Find Law or other link which I have provided 2) Material from an official website (one source may be enough) 3) Material from dat bases (3-4 sources)
Claim/Evidence Outline= Please look at English Composition page 95+96 for Example.
This paper is going to be on graded on the quality of the sources. You need minimum of 5 sources from different publications( in other words, don't do 4 New York Times articles).
SOURCES MUST INCLUDE: 1) The law from Find Law or other link which I have provided 2) Material from an official website (one source may be enough) 3) Material from dat bases (3-4 sources)
(I would like to use my free VIP feature for this essay, thanks) My teacher requests me to review my essay and he comments that I can only get a C. He advices me to use advance vocabulary and grammar. Please help to assign an English expert to help me with this essay. Thanks a lot. Teacher suggested that: The introduction can be more clear on the main point which answer the topic. Each paragraph should link back to the point I defined in the introduction. The conclusion also needs to link back and conclude my point in the introduction. However, I am only allow to write (not more than 750 words).
(I would like to use my free VIP feature for this essay, thanks) My teacher requests me to review my essay and he comments that I can only get a C. He advices me to use advance vocabulary and grammar. Please help to assign an English expert to help me with this essay. Thanks a lot. Teacher suggested that: The introduction can be more clear on the main point which answer the topic. Each paragraph should link back to the point I defined in the introduction. The conclusion also needs to link back and conclude my point in the introduction. However, I am only allow to write (not more than 750 words).
Thomas Paine's Common Sense is an argumentative essay. What argument is Paine making? How does he structure his argument? What do YOU think is his most persuasive point and why? NOTE: You MUST include the exact quote that you found the most persuasive
This week you continued to study inequities resulting from various forms of resistance to diversity. You focused on the origins and nature of privilege and oppression and on four additional “isms”: sexism, heterosexism, LGBT-ism, and ageism. In what ways has your attention on any of these topics influenced the way you perceive yourself? What insights or questions do you now have as a consequence of your studies this week?
Analyze the approaches to evaluation discussed in the textbook (e.g., scientific, humanistic, utilitarian, etc.) and discuss at least two approaches and how they are applied in your educational setting. Evaluate the effectiveness of the two approaches.
Debate It: Take a position for or against this statement: Teachers should be paid a base salary then rewarded with monetary bonuses based on levels of and increases in student achievement. Provide reasons and examples to support your response.
From the e-Activity, consider the external influences of a regional accrediting body on a school’s curricula. Discuss at least three specific implications for curriculum design that are included in the regional accrediting body’s standards document.
Discuss specific ways in which your school’s (Chesapeake, VA) curriculum meets the curriculum design standards. In what ways could your school’s curriculum be improved to better meet the standards?