Select one work of drama (a play) and one work of fiction (a novel or short story).
In a 2-page Word document:
- Compare the two works (drama vs. fiction) and list the ways in which these works are alike.
- Contrast the two works and list the ways in which these works are different.
- Analyze the approach of each author as well as the content of each piece.
- How were they the same and how were they different?
- How effective was the author in his or her approach to the topic of each piece?
Select one work of poetry and one work from another literary genre. These can be works that you have already read or which you are familiar. Read these works again with fresh eyes, but be sure that you read them one after the other.
In a 2-page Word document:
- Compare the two works (poetry vs. the other literary genre you chose) and list the ways in which these works are alike.
- Contrast the two works and list the ways in which these works are different.
- Analyze the approach of each author as well as the content of each piece.
- How were they the same and how were they different?
- How effective was the author in his or her approach to the topic of each piece?
below are the issues to be focussed on in the assignment.
Less than honorable discharge,Addiction issues, Housing needs,PTSD/TBI/Moral injury (define each),Trust issues with civilians, Issues with family life.
Use the sources in the bottom of the paper
Elizabeth is a Fundamentalist living in the 1930's. Your task (again, as a member of the Rasmussen College Historical Society) is to go back in time and interview Elizabeth. The focus of your interview is twofold. First, you are to discern from Elizabeth what it meant to be a Fundamentlist in the 1930's, how that shaped her worldview, and how America understood fundamentalism at the time. Second, you are to learn from Elizabeth how American religion has changed over time. How is being a Fundamentalists in the 1930's the same and/or different from being a Puritan in the Colonial period? What, if anything, has changed? Again, your goal is to help the modern reader to understand the religious milieu and fervor that would have shaped Elizabeth's world.
Compare and contrast the Test, Allies, and Enemies stages using Epic of Gilgamesh and Beowulf
400 words
Due by Sunday June 5th at 2:30 PM
I've attached a paper to use as a guid
Select one (1) of the scenarios on which to focus your causes and effects paper. Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information/claims effectively.
Watch a scene from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro (You may find this selection by searching the Internet.).
In 200 – 250 words, briefly describe what is happening in the scene and your reaction to it.
What action is happening? Is the scene funny? Who are the characters? Is this scene entertaining or
You will be required to submit a comprehensive term paper related to aviation legislation in this course. In this activity, you will submit your topic for approval. At the end of Module 8, you will be required to submit your completed term paper.
Select a theme from one of the poems. Begin by stating the theme you will be discussing. What are some traditional notions people associate with that theme? Describe in one paragraph how you think those traditional notions were created by society. Consider the following questions when crafting your paragraph. Where did they come from? In another paragraph, find a modern representation of that theme. You may select a poem or a song. How is the theme dealt with in this modern representation?
A costume is an extension of the character and often our first look at who they are. Costumers must address the needs of the performer as well as the needs of the production. Sometimes, costumers have unlimited resources at their disposal, and other times they have very little to work with. You have $5 and your imagination.