

Archive for the ‘Literature’ Category

narrative of the creation and Fall of humanity, explain the nature of sin

Considering the narrative of the creation and Fall of humanity, explain the nature of sin and the sin/judgment/salvation cycle as developed in Genesis 2-3.

Describe the development of civilization, the nations, and language as developed in Genesis

  • Describe the development of civilization, the nations, and language as developed in Genesis 10-11. Make sure you enter in conversation with the commentary provided to these passages in the textbook.  

Foreign Language

Foreign Language According to a study done by Wakefield Research, the proportion of Americans who can order a meal in a foreign language is 0.47. (a) Suppose a random sample of 200 Americans is asked to disclose whether they can order a meal in a foreign language. Describe the sampling distribution of pnthe proportion of Americans who can order a meal in a foreign language. Be sure to verify the model requirements. (b) In the sample obtained in part (a), what is the probability the proportion of Americans who can order a meal in a foreign language is greater than 0.5? (c) Would it be unusual that, in a survey of 200 Americans, 80 or fewer Americans can order a meal in a foreign language? Why?

what final exam grade will get you a A?

MAT 132 final exam grades are normally distributed with average 82 and standard deviation 15. Top 36% of all students will get an A, and the next 35% students will get a B. Everyone else will get an F. 1) Andy got 74 on his final exam. Evaluate Andy's percentile. will he get a, b, or f. 2)Emily got 97 on fibal exam. evaluate emilys percentile. will she get a, b, or f. 3) what final exam grade will get you a B. 4) what fibal exam grade will get you a A

OnlineDiscussion Question

Please complete an online discussion question from Week 9 and Week 10 document.  Each document has two questions that you can respond you.  I will give you the choice to select one question from each week to respond to.  Each response should be minimally one paragaph each.

An Annotated Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of (at least) the 5 best scholarly and 5 best journalistic sources About " Normalization of Deviance ". Total of 10 sources.
In addition to another 10 on " Crisis or Scandals that occurred in the past, such as "Space Shuttle".
( 5 Primaries and 5 Secondaries.)  MLA format  sources are attached

Robert Coles (a Harvard professor) argues that fiction is often truer than nonfiction

Robert Coles (a Harvard professor) argues that fiction is often truer than nonfiction. Create an argument from this vantage point

Visual Basic

Jerry Feingold wants a program that will help him calculate the amount to tip a waiter at a restaurant. The program should subtract any liquor charge from the total bill and then calculate the tip (using a percentage) on the remainder. Finally, the program should display the tip on the screen. Desk-check your solutions algorithm using $85 as the total bill, $20 as the liquor charge, and 20% as the tip percentage, Then desk check using $35 as the total bill, 0$ as the liquor charge, and 15% as the tip percentage.

Literary Devices in Poetry

Poetry uses sound and form in ways that are different from other literary genres. Take a closer look at the literary devices for poetry. Identify one place where you see a literary device operating in a poem that you've read, and consider what effect this device contributes to the reading experience. A literary device is any formal technique employed in a poem, including metaphor, simile, rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance, personification, meter, line, symbol, word choice and so on. Browse your textbook [Part 3], for a full discussion of these aspects.

what does an effective example do

When used as evidence, what does an effective example do?