MRT 1010 Semester Project Marketing is both a science and an art form. Successful marketing involves and understanding of theory, the ability to conduct and synthesize research, and creative thought to construct new means to facilitate communications between the seller and the buyer. As such, this project involves these concepts so that you, the student, can better gain a sense of the marketing world. In this project, you will complete the following activities: Examine a variety of advertisements (print ads, online ads, television/radio commercials) and determine a product that is specifically being targeted to one particular demographic Describe the conditions of the advertisement that you believe are being focused on that specific demographic After making the aforementioned determination, construct a new campaign for the same product targeted at an entirely different segment using at least 2 entirely different demographic constructs (e.g. gender
Please do content analysis coding for data uploaded
Independently Created Case Study
As a portion of the requirements of this class, each student is to interview/survey 3 generations to determine why they buy product X. Analyze the differences in marketing strategies for the different consumer groups. Create “3 customer personas” associated with these buyers. To learn more about personas, please read the PDF article, “Stay Out of the Danger Zone: Using Personas for Content Development.”
You are to utilize and apply the theories that we are learning in this class. Describe / evaluate the experiences in the purchasing process for those you interview. Include value to the buyer, and relevance of what you learned to the study of consumer behavior marketing practices. Who is the product target market (include “personas)? Describe the technology utilized to drive the purchase. How did the store drive traffic to their product ? Give some examples of the influencers involved such as family, cultures, etc. As such, you would apply the
I need to have a very professional report written based on some research I have carried out. I will need you to carry out some further research as well.
---My team and I are conducting research about something called the 'Cloud Passport' to be marketed for education sector in Australia.
---My part of the research focuses on the 'DIGITIZATION PROCESS- REMOVAL OF PAPER'
---Please refer to the message board for clearer instructions and also to understand what documents I have uploaded.
---If you take up this work, it would help if you could give me a brief update and keep in touch via message board.
This is extra instructions you need to consider I have attached the documents I have been working on namely a presentation and a word document. You will need to use the word document to write my part of the report. You will need to carry out more research to be able to format a proper report with graphs and visuals like data to support findings. Please do not copy any information exactly as
This is an group assignment of Marketing Principles, Trading & Exchange. Our chosen company is Adidas. And the relevant topic we chose to write about is Social Responsibility and Ethics, the lecture slides of this topic is attached (MPTE Lecture 8 201503.ppt). the assignment also require to use textbook as a reference so please follow it. our textbook is Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice by Byron Sharp 2013 published by Oxford University Press in South Melbourne. Here is a website of the textbook's information: Also, we want the assignment to be written based on this article as one of the references: So here are already 3 references that is needed to be used, textbook, lecture slides, and the website article. you may use other resources as other references, minimum 7 references, Thanks.
the following are the instructions of the assignment:
This is an internship class and I am an intern in Li Zhou Seafood Restaurant in Fremont, CA. My research topic is Developing a Marketing Plan for Li Zhou Seafood Restaurant.
Independently Created Case Study
As a portion of the requirements of this class, each student is to interview/survey 3 generations to determine why they buy product X. Analyze the differences in marketing strategies for the different consumer groups. Create “3 customer personas” associated with these buyers. To learn more about personas, please read the PDF article, “Stay Out of the Danger Zone: Using Personas for Content Development.”
You are to utilize and apply the theories that we are learning in this class. Describe / evaluate the experiences in the purchasing process for those you interview. Include value to the buyer, and relevance of what you learned to the study of consumer behavior marketing practices. Who is the product target market (include “personas)? Describe the technology utilized to drive the purchase. How did the store drive traffic to their product ? Give some examples of the influencers involved such as family, cultures, etc. As such, you would apply the
i want you to write Proposed Company Offering for business plan that i already done.only do the Proposed Company Offering.
the Proposed Company Offering is the only part i need from the business plan.
19. Proposed Company Offering- This section indicates the amount of money being sought and the terms offered to the potential shareholder. A brief outline of the purpose for that specific amount and information on the rate of return is also important. The section should be noted as follows:
¥ Desired Financing
¥ Stock Offering
¥ Use of Funds
¥ Investors Return
i will attached you with the Financial Plan to use it in the proposed company offering. please contact me if you need any extra information.
This is an group assignment of Marketing Principles, Trading & Exchange. Our chosen company is Adidas. And the relevant topic we chose to write about is Social Responsibility and Ethics, the lecture slides of this topic is attached (MPTE Lecture 8 201503.ppt). the assignment also require to use textbook as a reference so please follow it. our textbook is Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice by Byron Sharp 2013 published by Oxford University Press in South Melbourne. Here is a website of the textbook's information: Also, we want the assignment to be written based on this article as one of the references: So here are already 3 references that is needed to be used, textbook, lecture slides, and the website article. you may use other resources as other references, minimum 7 references, Thanks.
the following are the instructions of the assignment: