

Archive for the ‘Marketing’ Category

Final project

Assignment is basically to watch a youtube video (link below) and answer questions based on it. Here is full instructions: "Your text book, Marketing: An Introduction, Edition #13 is co authored by renown business expert Dr. Philip Kotler. Please read the Note posted to the Week 4 folder for additional information about our subject matter expert, Dr. Kotler. For your final project, please watch the YouTube Video, Marketing 3.0. It is an interview with Dr. Kotler by Flavio Motta of Management TV. This video has had about 97,000 views. Marketing 3.0 - Phillip Kotler https://youtu.be/6rxj8pGPxZc Please allow adequate time to view the video. This video is approx. 28 minutes long and it is presented in segments. Be sure you watch all of the segments! After you watch the video, please answer the questions below. Questions: What is marketing 3.0 and how is it different from 2.0 and 1.0? What are 3 unique features of marketing 3.0? What companies are mentioned as using mark

Converse Project

Part A: Executive Summary - summarizing the marketing plan. (1 page) Part B: Current Situation - describe the product and provide a brief summary of its current market position and marketing strategies. (1 page) PS: I need 3-4 resources/references to analyze the part A and Part B. If you use appendices to analyze the paper is okay as well.

Marketing Research Report

The company Consumer Electronics Association Your company has decided to launch a new line of products. Create a 1050 to 1,400-word report and include the following information: Choose the target market for your product, and describe your target market in detail. Create a new product that would appeal to your market. Develop at least one question for each characteristic of the target market (demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral) that will be important for you as you determine the marketing strategy for this new product. Recommend the best methods of conducting marketing research to answer these questions. Be sure to include why you chose these particular methods. Outline the steps you will take to bring your product to market from idea generation to commercialization, using a multi-step product development process. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Channel Management

I will be including my assessment brief and the marking criteria attached with additional files, this will include guidelines and instructions on how to complete this piece of work. It will give you clear indications on what you'll need to do in order to achieve the right grade. The assignment will ask you to choose a specific business to base the work on, in this case the company Sony should be alright. The files I am attaching should cover any questions you may have towards this task, but I am happy to give any further assistance or instructions if needed. Thank you. Ahmed.

interpretive consumer research , Positivist and interpretive marketing theory

Interpretive consumer research is based on the premise that “it may be reasonable to present consumers as individuals continually changing their needs and behaviour depending on their own internal states and their mutable environment” ( Szmigin and Foxall, 2000: 190). Drawing on the above quote , explain: 1. What is meant by interpretive consumer research ? ( start with explaining what is consumer research , and then move on to explain what is interpretive consumer research ) Also critically discuss: 2. Positivist and interpretive marketing theory 3. Most important part is this !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaWA2GbcnJU use the above advertisment shown in lecture from the module to facilitate your argument (incongruent advertising, psychoanalityc and marketing, experience economy, marketing as a theatre) When you start to critically discuss , pick any of the three below: Identity Historical Development Cultutre + technology

MKT 301 Module 2 Discussion

Netflix: The Public Relations Box Office Flop

Summary: This case describes a major marketing snafu made by Netflix. In fact, Netflix has made many marketing snafus and each time bounced back stronger, even after losing millions of customers as in this case. Outcomes: be able to identify how to recover from a marketing misdirection. should be able to identify where theory broke from reality and discuss why this decision was made and how they (Netflix) recovered. Course Objectives: · Evaluate market data and competitive analysis to develop specific products and services for regional, national and global customers. · Evaluate the impact of customer diversity in marketing and distribution of products and services Your charts MUST be in APA format and you must provide at least 1-2 pages of explanation of the chart data. Your forecast should be at least 2-3 pages. The case study is to be read and analyzed. You summarize the case study and then provide some analysis on: What went right What went wrong or What could be improved. You'l

Cloud Marketing Forecast

Create a marketing forecasting report for Cloud product. Forecast should include charts and graphs showing projected success by regions, countries or demographics. Discuss how you developed the forecast and any other economic factors that could cause a variance. Use attachments for reference to incorporate total marketing proposal

Marketing Group Writing

This is an group assignment of Marketing Principles, Trading & Exchange. Our chosen company is Adidas. And the relevant topic we chose to write about is Social Responsibility and Ethics, the lecture slides of this topic is attached (MPTE Lecture 8 201503.ppt). the assignment also require to use textbook as a reference so please follow it. our textbook is Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice by Byron Sharp 2013 published by Oxford University Press in South Melbourne. Here is a website of the textbook's information: http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/168142880?selectedversion=NBD49557526. Also, we want the assignment to be written based on this article as one of the references: http://www.footasylum.com/adidas-invests-in-ethical-image/. So here are already 3 references that is needed to be used, textbook, lecture slides, and the website article. you may use other resources as other references, minimum 7 references, Thanks. the following are the instructions of the assignment: Assignment

PUMA’s performance in the global market. Changes and Forecasts.

"Having done the data analysis, and secondary data gathering, you basically want to explain what the brand should do next. What do you recommend the next steps for marketing should be, and what do you want to make happen. And why. You do that in the presentation, but the report is your individual views as well. And in more detail." 1) Check the Template 2) Include Tips and Notices from the Lecturer 3) Title can be changes during report. 4) Look at the presentation.