It;s 600 words in total.
both posts should base on “The Case for Contamination” by Kwame Anthony Appiah article: (200 words)
1. What role or roles does religion play in Appiah’s analysis?
2. Do you agree or disagree with him? Why?
3. Can you think of an example which either supports his analysis or refutes it?
4. How is your approach similar to or different from his?
You may choose ONE of the topics below OR ONE topic from the syllabus. 1.) Compare and contrast three world religions. 2.) How does the study of religion relate to the study of culture? 3.) Name FIVE (5) religious figures (from different religious backgrounds) and describe the main principles of their religion.
Ideal Person According to Confucius.
Individual Assignment: Elements of Religious Traditions Paper · Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that does the following: o Describes these basic components of religious traditions and their relationship to the sacred: · What a religious tradition says—its teachings, texts, doctrine, stories, myths, and others · What a religious tradition does—worship, prayer, pilgrimage, ritual, and so forth · How a religious tradition organizes—leadership, relationships among members, and so forth o Identifies key critical issues in the study of religion. o Includes specific examples from the various religious traditions described in the Week One readings that honor the sacred—such as rituals of the Igbo to mark life events, the vision quest as a common ritual in many Native American societies, or the influence of the shaman as a leader. You may also include examples from your own religious tradition or another religious tradition with which you are familiar. o You should use 3 references
Please prepare a research paper (not including the referances). In text citations are needed as well as a reference page. The topic is about 'Rastafari'. What do you find interesting about this topic? Let it have a personal approach, like "I think it is interesting how such and such." This is not a summary about the topic, it is a discussion. Feel free to use outside resources, you can have more then 2 references. Again, this is not a summary paper, it is to discuss a topic about a certain thing.
The resurrection of Christ has always been a myth since there are various stories that surround it.
Research paper on the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Confuciasm
Who was Ezekiel in the Bible?