Assignment Requirements
Please check for plagiarism because that will expel me form the university.
Students are asked to profile an activist (individual) or activist organization (group, collective) currently working towards gender justice. The chosen activist or activist organization could be specifically promoting gender equality OR working towards gender justice as it concerns: environmental justice, political participation, reproductive justice, human rights, poverty, globalization, working conditions, etc.
In a 1500 word essay, students are asked to address the following:
-who is the activist or activist organization you have chosen?
-what kind of gender justice are they promoting?
-what is/are the issues/challenges this activist or activist organization has identified? (provide a brief background)
-what is the goal or mission statement of the activist or activist organization?
-in what ways has she/he.they been successful?
-what are the challenges she/he/they face?
Assignment Requirements
You must answer in standard essay format (sentences, paragraphs, punctuation). Markers will not read or grade point-form or answers not in essay form. There are no exceptions to this requirement.
Ensure you number the pages, of your examination and place your name and student number on each page of your examination. Ensure you staple all its pages together. We can’t grade missing pages. Please run your answers through a spell check program before you submit.
There’s no need to document or source your answers, although you may do so, if you wish, but not to excess, please. Group preparation is acceptable; individual students, acting alone, must write hers or his exam answers.
Read the whole examination before you decide which questions to answer.
There’s no need to repeat material. If, for example, you define a concept, in Part One, and discuss the same concept is Part Two or Part Three, you may simple refer to the definition in Part (e.g. see
Assignment Requirements
• Writing Assignment (Part 4): Investigate a Social Issue Final Paper
• Topic of the paper: If you get at least 6 hours of sleep, you will do better on tests than if you get less sleep.
Working from the topic you now write the final draft of your paper. Specifically, you will submit a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you address all of the following:
Topic of the paper: If you get at least 6 hours of sleep, you will do better on tests than if you get less sleep.
1. Specific Hypothesis. Introduce your paper by identifying the specific hypothesis you are evaluating in this paper.
2. Applicable Sociological Concepts. Identify the sociological theories and terminology from the text that apply to your social issue
3. Practical Implications. Discuss the value of sociological research into your issue. Determine whether or not there are (or would be) practical implications of sociological inquiry into this issue.
4. Evidence. This is the most importa
Assignment Requirements
It should be 3 pages without a reference page.
Please provide at least a one page (double-spaced) response to two of the three questions below. Your exam should be 2-4 pages in length not including a reference page, which is required. You should include in-text citations from at least one outside source.
I. Race and Ethnicity
Discuss the origin and development of the concept of race. How and why was science relied upon in the process of constructing the concept of race? Who benefits from ideas of biological inferiority and superiority in the context of race?
Describe how race is a social construction with real life consequences. What are some of the effects of prejudiced attitudes related to racial discrimination at the societal level?
Discuss the concept of white privilege. In what ways does white privilege benefit whites in the U.S., even those of low status?
Assignment Requirements
It's a reading response assignment,
i will attach 3 pdf files,
one is the handout which tells how the instructor wants us to write it ..
one is the marking paper , how is it gonna be marked.
one is the article that you will be doing the the assignment on it ..
Order Now
Assignment Requirements
Each answer should be half a page. No reference list or outside sources required. Be sure to credit any cited sources.
1.What is the difference between income and wealth?(Half a page)
2.Are equity and efficiency independent concepts? Explain (half a page)
3. Is a dollar's worth of food stamps as valuable as a dollar's worth of cash? Explain(half a page)
4.Contrast the difference between poverty in the United States and poverty in developing countries(half a page)
5.List and briefly explain the four major types of unemployment.(half a page)
Required Textbook & Reading
Schiller, B. R. (2008). The economics of poverty and discrimination, 10th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Answer 5 discussion questions. Each answer should be half a page. No reference list or outside sources required. Be sure to credit any cited sources.
- What is the difference between income and wealth?(Half a page)
- Are equity and efficiency in
Assignment Requirements
The following outline provides suggestions that may help you write a successful paper and meet the learning objectives outlined above.( Required Textbook & Reading
Schiller, B. R. (2008). The economics of poverty and discrimination, 10th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall)
Section I: Background Information
Describe the development of your beliefs and attitudes toward poverty in relation to race/ethnicity, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities. Please discuss these developments as they pertain to each of the aforementioned groups. Include how you believe they were shaped by factors such as your-Ethnic or racial heritage, Gender, Sexual orientation, Socioeconomic group, Region of the country, and/or Religious beliefs or affiliations. What kind of messages (spoken or unspoken) did you get about people who were poor and poverty in general?
Section II: Current Assessment
What are your beliefs and attitudes about poverty
Assignment Requirements
Well-written essay will demonstrate mastery of
concepts presented in the articles, discussed in class and relevance to both sociological inquiry and your personal life.
Essays should be no shorter than four full-length pages and typed in no larger than 12 fonts and double-spaced.
Ensure that you write in both a grammatically correct manner and alignment and spacing utilized are in accordance with
standard academic custom. Note that you do not need to utilize outside information; however if you do choose to utilize
outside sources (including articles under discussion), please ensure that you cite in accordance to a standard academic
format (eg. Mills, 22 or Berger, 15). The paper is due Thursday, June 12th 2014 by 11:59 pm in the Assignment
Dropbox. Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
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