

Archive for the ‘Sociology’ Category

the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website

Explore the EEOC website (http://www.eeoc.gov) to learn more about the organization. Click the About the EEOC link and select Newsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last 6 months. Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred. Write a 1,050- to 1,200- word paper that includes the following: A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization. A brief summary of the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph. The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit. Whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning A comparison of the EEOC press release to the chosen news item. What accounts for the differences? Strategies you would implement, if you were a senior manager of this company, to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace. F


During Week 5, we studied social stratification and how it influences what goes on in many social interactions among people. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for this week, please respond to all parts of the discussion by Saturday, December 20, 2014: 1. What are some of the factors that affect social mobility? Can these be overcome? 2. Do you believe the structural-functionalist or the social conflict approach best explains social stratification? Why? 3. How does the media reflect attitudes on gender as far as depicting women and men in very traditional roles? Provide two detailed examples that substantiate your points—these can be an advertisement, television show, website, or magazine. When you think of various groups (race, class, and gender) in society, which ones have the most power and which ones have the least? Using Intersection Theory, identify two groups that have unequal amounts of power and resources, being specific and using the text and outside

Situational Reactions

Read the following three situations. Describe what you would do in EACH situation. Integrate the elements of reasoning and intellectual standards in your writing to show an understanding of the material behind your personal example. Your essay should be 500-600 words in length and include the use of at least two (2) elements of reasoning and two (2) intellectual standards for EACH of the three (3) scenarios you will be discussing. Do not worry about your answers being right or wrong – your work will be evaluated on its connection to the material – not the behavior you would engage in if you found yourself in these situations. Scenario A:You are deployed in a country. A raid went wrong, and your squad opened fire on several innocent people. Your commander asks you and the rest of the squad to make it look like they opened fire up on you first. How would you respond? Scenario B:As a police officer, you pu

Social interaction of monkey

Phase 5 Individual ProjectDeliverable Length:800–1,000 wordsDetails: Social Behavior and Monkeys American psychologist, Harry Harlow, conducted a famous experiment that demonstrated the importance of caregiving and companionship in the social development of monkeys. For this assignment, watch this videoabout the Harlow monkey experiment. Next, observe the social behavior of monkeys by watching the monkey exhibit at your local zoo for at least 10 minutes. If you are unable to visit a zoo, you may watch this video of monkeys in a zoo environment. This video is also found in this week's M.U.S.E. material. While observing the monkeys, put on your "sociologist hat," and note the interactions and behaviors that you see. Answer the following questions in a paper of 800–1,000 words: How did the monkeys interact with one another?How is the social behavior and social interaction of monkeys similar to the behavior of humans?Why do you think humans need social interaction?What did y

Situational Reactions

Situational Reactions Read the following three situations. Describe what you would do in EACH situation. Integrate the elements of reasoning and intellectual standards in your writing to show an understanding of the material behind your personal example. Your ESSAY should be 500-600 words in length and include language referring to at least two (2) elements of reasoning and two (2) intellectual standards for EACH of the three (3) scenarios. Do not worry about your answers being right or wrong – your work will be evaluated on its connection to the material – not the behavior you would engage in if you found yourself in these situations. Scenario A: You are deployed in a country. A raid went wrong, and your squad opened fire on several innocent people. Your commander asks you and the rest of the squad to make it look like they opened fire up on you first. How would you respond? Scenario B: As a police officer, you pull someone over. After searching their vehicle, you confisca

Climate Change Response

Write a 525- to 700-word response including: ·         How scientists learn about past global temperatures and climates. ·         The greenhouse effect. ·         Greenhouse gases and their role in current climate change. ·         One piece of data scientists offer to show that the climate is changing globally (see this NASA website:http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/). ·         Expected impacts of climate change in your area (this EPA website is very helpful:

Environmental Analysis Presentation

Perform an analysis of an environmental issue. Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as "Voice Thread" to add audio to your presentation. Include the following: o   A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people. o   An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue. o   An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue. o   Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed. Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation


Assignment Requirements This essay just requires completing first two steps of the project. To make sure that you have designed an appropriate and viable breaching experiment please submit a one-paragraph summary of the folkway you plan to breach and how you plan to do so to your instructor. And I think I will continue doing the step 3 and step 4 for this project. Therefore, if you(the writer)can do well of this step 1 and 2. I think I will continue to let the same writer help me to complete this project. The following is the partial requirements of the project. Later I will upload the complete document. Background Folkways Revisited You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. This saying applies very well to the countless informal rules that help us navigate our way through daily life in coordination with other people. We usually don’t give the complex and myriad rules of everyday interaction a second thought until we or someone else breaks one of these folkways – a s


Assignment Requirements   This essay is the last step of the project. Step 5 is simply a matter of filling in the Paragraphs you outlined in Step 4. Your revised Box should be approximately 2,000 to 2,500 words in length. I will upload the step 1,2,3,4 later. Thank you.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Are people from African American/Black ethnic backgrounds given less opportunities in the current job market of the United States?

Assignment Requirements   Remember Sociologists use a number of different methods or research designs to gather data. These include surveys, participant observation, secondary analysis, document reviews, unobtrusive measures and experiments. Additionally, there are ethical considerations that are a fundamental concern: these include honesty, truth, openness, and protecting subjects from harm. Another concern is that social research should be value free. And keep in mind sociologists stress replication, the repetition of a study by others to compare results. Values present a second dilemma in that research is conducted to solely analyze basic sociology or is it to reform social arrangements? This document should reflect all the process of your study including your research and findings. Remember to include any literature you utilized in both footnoting and bibliography. Learning Objective Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Points Concept mastery Students will demonstrate a mastery o