

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Century Literature: Be sure to have a clear original thesis, which you prove in your paper Custom Essay

Century Literature: All essays should be typed double-spaced and should conform rigorously to the MLA style rules, 4 pages. Be sure to have a clear original thesis, which you prove in your paper. For any question, give examples from three or four different authors we read in the course. At least two of these must come from the second half of the course (from Thoreau on). You MUST consider three critical views (library sources/ scholarly databases) in your answer and must include Works Cited. Though you take into account the opinions of other critics, your interpretation is what counts most. On any question you should address not only issues of content, but writing style as well. Do not reprint long quotes or whole poems in your paper. You will need to quote the works (use parenthetical citation) but try to choose the smallest quotes possible to do the job. The main event is your analysis. Please use normal 1” margins and a normal font (12 pt. Times New Roman). The paper is due on December 5, 2013 at 10am in our regular classroom. Any hint of plagiarism will be dealt with severely and is punishable with expulsion for academic dishonesty. The above instructions constitute minimum requirements. Papers lacking these elements will receive a grade of zero. Good luck!


1. Americans esteem the self-reliant individual as a rule, and much of the image of that character is grounded in the literature of the 19th century. However those same writers seem also to emphasize the value of people making connections to each other. How do authors separate self-sufficiency from isolation and solitude from loneliness? What do these writers suggest Americans do to preserve their individuality without remaining totally cut off?

The three authors are Henry David Thoreau (using his story “walden”), Ralph Waldo Emerson (using his story “self-reliance”) and Frederick Douglass (using his narrative). You must use quotes from these three stories to answer the question. Also two critical views must be included from outside sources such as scholarly websites or databases.


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