

Changing views of honor: COMPARE and CONTRAST the literature we have read in the course so far (Chaucer, Malory and Shakespeare) to prove one claim about how one changing cultural norm (or intellectual trend) Custom Essay

In a five-page double-spaced essay, COMPARE and CONTRAST the literature we have read in the course so far (Chaucer, Malory and Shakespeare) to prove one claim about how one changing cultural norm (or intellectual trend) affects the depiction of one theme common to all three works. Be sure to note that Renaissance conventions might be prefigured in Medieval writings and that Medieval conventions are not necessarily replaced by Renaissance ones. The “old” ideas may coexist with, vie for authority with, or influence the “new” ideas in the later era. In fact, some of the “new” Renaissance trends (tragedy, for example) pre-date the Medieval period. ** Look at MULTIPLE Character(s) from each piece of Literature to prove how the changing views of honor were shown throughout (Theseus, Arthur, Othello, Iago, Emilia, and/or Desdemona, etc.) ** Use specific quotations (and site appropriately) to prove the topic. **State a claim to prove about what honor means in the middle ages and the Renaissance? How and why is the concept different in the different eras? THESIS STATEMENT: Does honor involve celebrating women in the middle ages and controlling them in the Renaissance? REQUIRED LITERATURE (3) necessary to compare and contrast: 1.) Chaucer, Geoffrey. “The Knights Tale.” From “The Canterbury Tales”: The Knight’s Tale (Modern and Middle English). Web. 2.) Malory, Thomas. Le Morte D’Arthur, Vol. II, Book XIX. Web. 3. )Shakespeare, William. Othello. The Tragedy of Othello the Moon of Venice. New York: Penguin Group, 2001. NOTE: Please remember that this is a literary analysis papers, not history reports. Your goal, is to analyze the language of the assigned literature to prove one claim about its meaning. So please be sure to use ample direct quotation from the literary texts and analysis of those quotations in order to prove your claims.


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