

Character ethics

Character ethics

The requirements for this assignment are to: Examine your thesis statement using one or two particular sub-types of

Character based ethics. Write a 5-6 paragraph essay that encompasses and explains how character based ethicists in your

chosen sub-type would generally view your topic, your thesis statement, and your three supporting reasons. This Unit you

will write an essay examining your chosen topic and thesis statement through the eyes of a character based ethicist. More

specifically you will choose a particular sub-type of Character based ethics (ethics of care, and virtue ethics) to focus on

in your essay. You must discuss the various strengths and weaknesses of the sub-type and how those who adhere to that system

address the ethical issue you chose. This will require using the readings that are in the unit that corresponds to your

topic, the readings on character based ethics, and outside research that you conduct on your own. The paper should follow

the structure outlined below: Introduction: Your introductory paragraph must include your thesis statement and explain that

you will be examining your topic through the eyes of a character based ethicist. You must also list the various sub-types of

character ethics that you will be examining in the body of this paper (generally, one to two sub-types is enough). Body: The

body of the paper should be broken up into three paragraphs. Application: The first paragraph or two in the body should

apply character based ethical theory to your topic, and more specifically you must examine your particular chosen character

ethics sub-type and how it connects to your topic and thesis statement. In this paragraph you should cite virtue ethics or

ethics of care scholars and how they view your topic. Strengths: In the next paragraph of the body of your paper you must

show the strengths of your chosen character ethics theory in relation to your topic, and the ways that you think this moral

theory might work well with the thesis statement you are arguing. Weaknesses: In the last paragraph of the body of your

paper, you must examine the weaknesses of your chosen character ethics theory in relation to your topic and the ways that

you think this moral theory might not work well with the thesis statement you are arguing. Conclusion: This should be one

paragraph. The conclusion should very briefly review the main points of your essay and must contain a paraphrased

restatement of your thesis. The Unit 6 paper must be 375 to 500 words in length (excluding title and reference pages),

double spaced, and formatted according to APA style, using Times new Roman type and size 12 Font. You must use at least two

scholarly resources to support this essay. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.


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