

China's literature Custom Essay This is the link for the sources and reading materials. Read carefully the instructions are really really important!! Topic : Transition to Modernity Much of the literature we have read focuses on the transition societies underwent as they became more modern. By analyzing stories such “Xiao xiao”, “The Drowning of an Old Cat” and “Love in a Fallen City”, show how these writings reflect the social changes that occurred during the 20th century. Some things to consider for this paper would be: What groups are affected by modernization? How and in what ways is this evident in the literature? What new ideas are reflected in the behavior of the characters? Are there any similarities and/or differences among the stories? What perspectives do the authors have of modernization and how is this evident in their writing? • Do not put your name, PID, or any other identifying information on your paper! • Your paper needs to be argumentative, which means that it has to contain a strong, clear, and comprehensive thesis followed by an organized presentation of the evidence in favor of your argument from the text(s). In other words, the purpose of your paper is to prove your analytical argument. • Papers need to be between 4 and 5 pages, double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman font. The margins of your paper should all be 1”. Any deviation from these norms will result in a lower grade and will prevent you from developing your argument properly. • Make certain that your paper is written in a proper academic register. Phrases like “I think,” “I believe,” and “so-and-so resonates with me” need to be avoided. Be assertive and confident in your writing. Also, you must avoid the use of contractions and colloquialisms such as “isn’t” and “don’t” (contractions), and “just my two cents,” “dude,” “cool,” (colloquialisms) etc. • Be sure that you focus on addressing the issue in the topic you choose. Your goal is not simply to list the questions for consideration provided and answer them in order. Rather, you need to form a cohesive and organized argumentative paper using the questions as a centripetal guide. • You do not need to answer every question listed in the topic of your choice. The questions are only a guide to your thinking of how you might outline your paper. Asking questions is part of the writing process, especially when one writes about literature. This is why the questions are there, so do not ignore them either. • It is extremely important that your paper contain a thesis statement. I will briefly explain thesis statements in recitation, but if you are still unsure, then see me during my office hours. If you do not have a thesis statement, you cannot pass this assignment. • If you are choosing the compare/contrast paper topic below (Topic #1), then do not simply list similarities and differences. You need to go beyond this superficial layer into the realm of analytical thought; ask yourself: what do these similarities/difference signify and why are they important? • Your paper must be mostly analytical in nature. In other words, do not simply summarize the story of the text(s) that you are focusing on. You must go beyond simply retelling the story. You need to make an argument that goes beyond the text to deal with complicated issues and answer questions raised by the text(s). An “A” paper is one that deals with these difficult questions, probes deeply, maintains their complexity, and handles the issues well in an organized and sustained manner. A superficial interpretation of the text will not earn the highest points possible for the analysis. • Make sure that you define your terms. This should be done early on in your paper in your introduction or shortly thereafter. For instance, if you are throwing around words like “culture”, “society”, and “nature”, then you need to explain what it is that you mean when you use them. • If you are going to use sources outside of the course pack, then you must cite the ideas or information that you took from said sources in a bibliography at the end of your paper (the bibliography does not count towards the page requirements). If you are only going to cite the course pack, then you do not need a bibliography, but you should still use in text citations in the following format: (CP, pg. #). • Wikipedia is not a suitable source of information for your paper, and neither is a dictionary unless you are writing a paper about Wikipedia or Linguistics respectively, which you are not. • Make sure that you properly proofread your paper. Grammar and spelling are a part of your grade; do not ignore this facet of the rubric. Finally, make sure to see me or send me an e-mail if you are stuck, confused, lost, or have any questions about this preparing for or completing this assignment.


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