

  • Essay
  • December 12th, 2013

Compare and contrast MLDA: In your comparison and contrast essay, you must strive to provide a fair and balanced view of the differences and Custom Essay

I encourage you to employ either a point-by-point or a parallel order comparison in your paper. This will require you to analyze the two articles for the key points, examples, and usages of evidence, to choose the important areas of comparison and contrast, and to evaluate the relationships between the two. As your textbook suggests, a comparison/contrast paper “needs an intelligible blueprint, more so than other kinds of writing” (Guth 276). With this in mind, pay particular attention to the organization of your paper. Please spend time developing and organizing your ideas during the prewriting process so that you can perform a parallel order comparison or a point-by-point comparison. Also, spend a significant amount of time developing your paragraphs. Your paragraphs, more than anything else in your paper, carry the weight of your ideas and advance your comparisons. I expect you will find some strong similarities and some striking differences in the articles. It behooves you to respect these differences and maintain these similarities. Remember, a comparison/contrast paper does not argue for one or the other, but presents both sides fairly and accurately in order to inform your audience.

In addition, you must offer a critical discussion about your topic by taking a stance on it. You should include this perspective in your thesis paragraph, but discussion of this idea should come at the end of your paper and should serve as a conclusion that explores the issues raised by the two articles. Remember, your conclusion must offer a critical discussion about the relevancy, effectiveness, or appropriateness of your topic. Is one side better than the other, and if so, why? Do not shortchange this part of your paper. Remember to retain a formal tone during this discussion.


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