

Compare And Contrast The Code Of Conduct From The Public University With The Student Handbook Of SNHU.

compare and contrast the code of conduct from the public university with the student handbook of SNHU.


HEA 550 Module SixShort Paper:Student HandbooksGuidelines and RubricPrompt: College and universities develop and publish student handbooks to establish expectations for student behavior and to provide a framework for a disciplinary process.Beyond this general purpose, student handbooks vary across institutions, and legal requirements differ between public and private institutions. Through a web search, locate the published code of conduct from a public university, as well as the the student handbook for SNHU. In a short paper, compare and contrast the code of conduct from the public university with the student handbook of SNHU, a private university. As you write, reference these sections that align with your short paper critical elements: (a) an overview of the institution, including specifying whether it is public or private; and (b) an evaluation of the similarities and differences between the SNHU Student Handbook and the selected public university’s student handbook.Guidelines forSubmission: Short papers should be formatted to be a double-spaced Word document, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, APA format.Page length requirements: 1–2 pages, not including title page and references. Critical ElementsProficient(100%)Needs Improvement(70%)Not Evident(0%)ValueInstitution OverviewAccurately and thoroughly provides an overview of the institution Does not sufficiently provide an overview of the institution Does not identify the institution 15Student Handbook OverviewsAccurately and thoroughly describesboth institutions’ student handbooksDoes not sufficiently describe one or both of the institutions’student handbooksDoes not describe either of the student handbooks25Student Handbook ComparisonProvides an appropriate comparisonof the two college student handbookswith supportProvides comparison of the two college student handbooks, butwithout sufficient detail to supportDoes not include a comparison35Articulation of ResponseSubmission has no majorerrors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readabilityand articulation of main ideaSubmission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization thatprevent understanding of ideas25Earned Total1


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