

  • Essay
  • November 21st, 2013

Course Project: Hotel Business Plan (Hospitality Management) Custom Essay

The paper should be no less than 3,000 words and formatted in APA or MLA style. At least six authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors/web pages are not acceptable). These should be listed on the last page titled “Works Cited” The 3,000 word minimum does NOT include the Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, and Works Cited pages.

Cover Sheet

Table of contents

Executive Summary

1. No more than two pages in length
2. Prepared after the entire analysis is written
3. Captures the essence of the analysis
4. Summarizes all major sections
5. Highlights the key points in the analysis and serves to interest the reader

Statement of Purpose

1 Proposed company’s mission statement
2. Brief history of the business opportunity
3. Current situation
4. What makes your proposed business unique?
5. How will you create value for your customers?
6. Key success factors for your proposed business

Name and legal structure

Description of the business

1. Management philosophy: vision mission, goals, objectives
2. Type of organization
3. Management qualifications, experience, and capabilities
4. Business insurance

Description of the concept, licenses, and lease

1. The hotel concept and theme
2. Hotel type and market segment
2. The food service concepts and themes
3. Hotel licensing
4. Liquor license, health and fire permits
5. Business license

Market analysis and strategy

1. Description of target market demographics, psychographics, lifestyles.
2. Market potential (size, rate of growth)
3. Competitive analysis
4. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)
5. Location, ease of access and parking.
6. Nature of competition
7. Potential new hotel competition.
8. Potential new restaurant and food service competition.
9. Location analysis
10. Description of the area
11. Commercial residential profile
12. Traffic flow
13. Accessibility

Hotel Room Configuration, Food service menus, Beverage Menus, and Pricing

1. Food services menus
2. Beverage menus
3. Hotel room type available
4. Hotel room rates

Advertising and promotional campaign

1. Objective
2. Techniques
3. Target audience
4. Means of communications
5. Schedule of communications

Conclusions and Summary


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