

Data flow diagram

Data flow diagram

Type      Rewriting

Level     College

Style      APA

Sources                2

Language             English(U.S.)


please check if deliverable 2 is correct or not, Also try to write a bit more in detail for deliverable 2


deliverable 1 is up for you just to make a brief understanding about what to do in deliverable 2

here is what needs to be done for deliverable 2



PART 2: Data and Process Modeling

In this part, as a first step in the modeling phase, you are required to individually analyze and construct a system logical model (Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) for each system part). In addition, as individuals, pick at least one business process and model it using a process description technique. Then, as a group, work together to compare the created DFD diagrams and process descriptions with those produced by other members of the group; and after discussing the different approaches agree on a model for the system. It should now be fine-tuned and documented using DFD diagrams, data dictionary, and process description. One member must be identified as the “part leader”, who will be the point of contact between your team and the instructor.


DELIVERABLE 2: A report containing the below element submitted by your part leader on the date specified. No hard copy is required, only a soft copy should also be uploaded to Blackboard by the team leader (one upload per team).

•        Use Case Diagram for the system

•        Complete set of DFD diagrams describing the complete system logical model down to the functional primitive level. A full data dictionary specification to accompany it.

•        Select the most interesting business process in your system and document it using at least TWO process description tools.

•        Commentary on decisions made while developing diagrams, selecting and merging individual work into a group report, and what you learned from the process


I did deliverable 1 with marvelous essays and i stated everything clearly to the writer and here is what the professor told us:


“Your SWOT should be related to Payroll system not to the Hotel. Revisit SWOT analysis section in your text book.

Your fishbone diagram shows nothing. What you are trying to show? Are you trying to show that Human errors are contributing to system development?

Revisit your Operational Feasibility and show me how is it an operational feasibility? Technical feasibility, You need to show or talk about your technical feasibility.

Non-functional requirement listed should be functional requirement.

Your business requirements should be linked to the business. Then you should talk about user requirements.

п»їYou need to use one particular formatting style for the entire document.”


This is just to show to what to correctly in deliverable 2, not to repeat the same mistake and because deliverable 2 is based on the first deliverable. so try to avoid these mistakes while rewriting deliverable 2.

please you don’t have to rewrite deliverable 1 the comment stated above is just to make it clear that the project is about the Hiltons Pay roll system not the hotel.

Finally please try to write for deliverable 2 a bit more in detail just like what is stated in the requirements and correct any mistakes that are in the Diagrams


Thank you


Spacing Double

Pages    4


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