

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Question 1(1.5 pages):

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Student’s Note: 

During 2019 spring, my friend told me about USC summer camp, and I searched for it. It is an opportunity to study at USC and USC’s professor will teach us. USC is one of the best engineering schools, and it is close to my house. It will be a great chance for me to learn in USC. I soon register for this summer camp and got accepted. 

I am the leader of group 6

In week one, I started with building the robot, but in day 3, our teammate told me they didn’t have any express in computer science where I learned coding from school and Science Fair I did in 11th grade. I start to do the coding part and our robot works pretty well.

In week two, we build a bridge, I worked on design the bridge and build the bridge. The bridge was really successful and it didn’t crush.

In week 3, I figured out “and” and “or” gate and build the logic circuit, it was not working at first because there was some problem with wiring, but some help, it worked perfectly.

In week 4, I build the airplane and the rocket, the airplane successfully flied and the rocket lunched.

Also, for the research paper, I researched on what we need for Water Treatment assigned people what they need t research on and I put their work together. 


Question 2(1.5 pages): Leadership can be demonstrated in many ways. Please share how you have demonstrated leadership in either your school, job, community, and/or within your family responsibilities. 

Student’s Note: During 2019 spring, my friend told me about USC summer camp, and I searched for it. It is an opportunity to study at USC and USC’s professor will teach us. USC is one of the best engineering schools, and it is close to my house. It will be a great chance for me to learn in USC. I soon register for this summer camp and got accepted. 

I am the leader of group 6

In week one, I started with building the robot, but in day 3, our teammate told me they didn’t have any express in computer science where I learned coding from school and Science Fair I did in 11th grade. I start to do the coding part and our robot works pretty well.

In week two, we build a bridge, I worked on design the bridge and build the bridge. The bridge was really successful and it didn’t crush.

In week 3, I figured out “and” and “or” gate and build the logic circuit, it was not working at first because there was some problem with wiring, but some help, it worked perfectly.

In week 4, I build the airplane and the rocket, the airplane successfully flied and the rocket lunched.

Also, for the research paper, I researched on what we need for Water Treatment assigned people what they need t research on and I put their work together.



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