Discuss wether Swept Away a romantic film or a film about social class? Or Explain why some critiques consider Swept Away a feminist film. You may also include your own view on this topic. Custom Essay
(“Swept Away” is, on the surface, a love story, but also contains a great deal of commentary on class struggles and class relations. The film begins with a conversation about capitalism vs. communism, between the female lead, Raffaella, and one of her friends; as it goes on, she engages in many conversations about class and society, and we understand that, given her political opinions, wealth, and behavior, she is the epitome of capitalism. We are also led to understand that Gennarino, the male lead, is involved with the communist party and despises those associated with the upperclass (including his employer). Once Gennarino and Raffaella are isolated from the rest of the world, however, a slight role reversal takes place: Raffaella, unable to survive because of her lack of practical skills, is completely dependent on Gennarino, and he exploits her disadvantage by humiliating her. It is clear in this section of the film that Gennarino now embodies someone who has the advantage and maintains this power instead of sharing resources with the less endowed. While the relationship between Gennarino and Raffaella soon develops into romance, the theme of social class is still present; when the two return to civilization, and “test” their love against the obstacles of their previously established realities (Gennarino is married with children, Raffella is married and belongs to an elite social status), Raffella abandons Gennarino instead of returning with him to the island. This shows how despite the strength of love, social surroundings greatly impact and sometimes prohibit cross-class relationships.)
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