Egyptian crisis
Egypt’s revolution has brought many changes. Explain the impacts that the revolution caused since the role of Morsi and then the Egyptian military. (compare)
* This paper seeks to try to answer the following questions
– The main research question – and add three more questions
What is the impact of the coup government in Egypt by the army on President Morsi in the Egyptian crisis?
– A general introduction to the subject “Egyptian Crisis and the impact and results after the overthrow of President Morsi – (one paragraph minimum 4 lines)
– Scientific importance : answer this part on the importance of research in the field of political science . What does this research in light of the material studied
in Introduction to Political Science. (Explain in 4 lines or more)
– Practical importance : How can the decision-maker benefit ( at all levels ) from this paper . If you gave this paper to any decision-makers at any level how can they
benefit form this paper. Every idea is an important idea . ( Explain this in 4 lines or more )
All these should be done in one page. (250 words)
The theoretical construction of the paper.
* Review of previous studies: How was the study of the subject before? What are the questions and the results raised? What do you think and where? How does it differ
from your paper and previous papers.
* Methodology paper: How will you analyze the studies.
* Hypothesis of the study: type of scientific hypothesis
Write premise process
* The definition of concepts / variables: from the dictionary. ( any concept related to the uprising and protest or revolution. ( 4 definitions )
* The definition of procedural concepts: How will measure the concepts of the study. ( 3 definitions )
All this in one page 250 words
What are the findings? ( two or three paragraphs)
What are the “ Research indicators” annual indicators (in Schedule Table) – numbers -years. (indicators of economic – political – democratic)
– (Under the rule of morsi – under the role of Egypt Military)
1. The proportion of the number of dead.
2. The proportion of the number of wounded.
3. Level of corruption.
4. The unemployment rate.
5. The proportion of education.
Discuss these results?
Conclusion: write your opinion you are scientific and practical here.
500 words
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