

  • Essay
  • November 6th, 2013

F.B.I vs John Lennon: Be sure to focus your paper on what is noteworthy about the person, event or organization you are researching, rather than trying to present a comprehensive catalogue of everything about your topic Custom Essay

This is college level paper.

This following is the guideline

Be sure to focus your paper on what is noteworthy about the person, event or organization you are researching, rather than trying to present a comprehensive catalogue of everything about your topic.

Suggested length is approximately 8 pages, including one page of documentation. We will use MLA-style format, which includes use of parenthetical citations within the essay and Works Cited references. You will be expected to use (that is, quote from, refer to, discuss, extract statistics from, summarize, debate) at least EIGHT (8) sources that will appear in your Works Cited list, though you may list more in your overall bibliography. References should represent a variety of voices and sources, particularly if your topic involves differences of opinion or interpretation. At least two references should be taken from books, journals, or popular periodicals; these are often reproduced electronically and so can be accessed online. Wikipedia, while a good place to start for a general overview, CANNOT be one of your official sources since it is open-source.

You will be expected to give a brief oral report on your research findings to the rest of the class on the due date. This paper will carry twice the grade value as your other essays for purposes of evaluation.

There is no need to use a report cover or separate title page for this essay. Staple pages together and use a complete heading:

I have my draft(some of my research) that writer might need.

FYI: must use Jon wiener as a source. He is important in this paper.


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