

formulate a position on the status of knowledge and intellectualism in America and argue for it using strong claims and plenty of examples in your answer.

Your task: formulate a position on the status of knowledge and intellectualism in America and argue for it using strong claims and plenty of examples in your answer.

Your second formal essay assignment for English
1121 is to write a short (3 page) argumentative
essay which explores the status of
knowledge in the American landscape.
Some researchers have argued that the US is
experiencing a “dismissal of science, the arts,
and humanities” and taking their place is
“entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance,
and deliberate gullibility.” Can this really be true
when college enrollment is steadily on the increase?
The National Center for Education Statistics
tells us that enrollment in degree-granting
institutions increased by 15 percent between
1992 and 2002 and 24% between 2002 and 2012
(from 16.6 million to 20.6 million).
Your task: formulate a position on the status
of knowledge and intellectualism in America
and argue for it using strong claims and
plenty of examples in your answer.
To help you get you thinking about the topic you
will find a few articles posted in D2L. Please
read them. They should help springboard your
ideas (however just rehashing their specific arguments
and examples in your paper will result in a
pretty poor grade).
As you develop your essay be sure you avoid
generalizations and offer a specific analysis.
Select a few key areas on which to focus
when developing your work, include a strong,
argumentative thesis at the end of the intro, put
claims in most of your topic sentences, and
provide ample evidence for your position (via
multiple examples related to your claims. No
In an attempt to get you moving toward the fullblown
research you’ll be doing in papers 3 and 4,
this assignment asks you to begin working on
your research skills–not only in finding research,
but also incorporating the information into your
paper. To that end, for this paper you will be
required to include a minimum of FOUR
CREDIBLE INTERNET sources (no need to
worry about periodicals just yet–let’s become
familiar with web resources first; we’ll expand
our scope in the next assignment). Your sources
will need to be well-chosen, credible, and integrated
and documented according to MLA standards.
Please contact me if you have any questions
about MLA citation of web sources (we’ll expand
our scope to other types of sources in paper #3).
Two important notes: 1). Wikipedia is NOT
an acceptable resource. Use it for background
reading only; 2). If you choose to use resources
provided by me they will NOT count
toward your four required sources.
A strong argument will be one in which the
author has:
? developed a clear focus for the discussion
? articulated a strong claim in the thesis (ie:
has taken a clear position),
? included multiple examples in support of
his/her position, and
? used secondary information properly and
cited it correctly


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