

From the conceptual and theoretical issues presented in lectures and through your privately Custom Essay

From the conceptual and theoretical issues presented in lectures and through your privately directed readings of relevant material, students can explore the brands and branding and their relevance for any industry, product, brand, strategic plan, cultural phenomenon (such as subculture group…), economic problem, demographic trend, multicultural contrast, global issue, consumption phenomenon, career objective etc. that they wish to explore. Whatever topic you pick, in the essay you must explain some theory that related to your topic and some theory about the “consumers and brand”.
A very good book which comes with all sorts of examples of brand contexts being analysed with interesting concepts is the volume Brand Culture by Schroeder and Salzer-Morling. You must use the references from this book.

Individual coursework 2(the second essay-14pages-3850 words-20references)
Critical marketing.
Individual essay : A 4000 word essay entitled ‘Critical Marketing’
The essay entitled ‘critical marketing’.
You are free to choose which topic(s) you focus to engage with to discuss critical marketing
• Points from the first essay:
• English clarity- use a grammar check software
• Use short, clear sentences: 12 point font double spaced
• Use correct citation style for direct quotes
• Be reflexive- explain to the reader how you will tackle the topic, and say why each part is relevant

• Engage fully with the topic, as opposed to the paper(s).
• Use ethical, political, functional and/or intellectual critique, drawing on course material
• Coursework assessment 3:
• 4000 word individual essay (50% of overall grade). ‘Critical Marketing’.

1.You might, for example, critically engage with a specific issue in marketing, from an ethical, functional, intellectual or political perspective, or using a combination of some or all of these perspectives. Or, you might engage with the idea of critical marketing in general and evaluate the ideas you see as key to the subject area.

2. At the most basic level, the essay can rehearse course and text book material and refer to some additional articles and books to offer a general outline of key perspectives in critical marketing. In other words, it could engage with the question ‘what is critical marketing?’ and could discuss the meanings, implications, strengths and weaknesses of critical marketing.

3.Alternatively, the essay can engage critically with a more specific issue in, say, marketing ethics, or it could critique the functional and intellectual aspects of a marketing concept such as AIDA, the PLC, portfolio analyses such as the BCG Matrix, or the marketing concept itself.

4.The essay might engage critically with the idea of critical marketing itself, discussing its implications for marketing practice and management education. Essentially, you will need to look over the course material, lecture slides and text book, and find an issue or topic that interests you to investigate in greater depth.

5.the professor strongly suggest that the essay ‘Critical Marketing’ begins with a general discussion on and brief review of critical marketing, before focusing in on a chosen topic or area to analyse using critical marketing principles

• Possible topic areas:
• Critical ethical issues in marketing :
• Marketing theories: e.g. Strategy, PLC/Portfolio analysis, the marketing concept, the mix etc
Critique of critical marketing
*The final essay MUST draw on and refer to the course material and course text book(as below): this is important. You have studied a course and the essay must reflect your engagement with and understanding of the course content. The essay will also earn additional credit for referring appropriately to other published academic work.

Advances in Consumer Research (Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research: downloads are available at www.acrwebsite.org
Some Academic Marketing Journals
European Journal of Marketing
International Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Consumer Research
Consumption, Markets and Culture
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Marketing
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

It must show evidence that you have understood the course material, and also that you can build on the material to develop your own arguments. Arguments must be logically and clearly expressed and supported with evidence, citations to other work and careful reasoning. The essay must be fully referenced Harvard style
• Remember, it is important that your essay engages with your chosen topic in a way that demonstrates critical thinking and uses the course material
• By critical thinking we mean analysis and discussion that takes a position on marketing theory or practice on ethical, functional, political and/or intellectual grounds.
• The precise approach you take in this essay is for you to decide. It must not be a company case study. The essay should express your ideas on what critical marketing means, drawing on the course material and the course textbook, and on any other relevant works including the articles you read for the first essay.
• It can draw on some of the ideas from the first essay but, unlike the first essay, this is not a critique of one published paper but an original piece of work of your own.


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