

Identify issues, which have historically and currently contributed significant influence on the field of Early Childhood Development as a professional field of study.

Discussion 1


CE401-1: Identify issues, which have historically and currently contributed significant influence on the field of Early Childhood Development as a professional field of study.

CE401-3: Identify policy and legislation that has impacted Early Childhood.

For this Assignment you will create a presentation intended to be used to educate family members on early childhood educational policy and legislation. The presentation will be based on your learning from the multiple resources throughout the first three units of this course. In addition, you may use: Department of Education (2015). A Matter of Equity: Preschool in America retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/documents/early-learning/matter-equity-preschool-america.pdf

Your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation should be a minimum of 14 slides, in addition to a title slide and a reference slide. As with all writing, be sure to include citations to avoid plagiarism. It is always necessary to give the author credit. In addition, please make sure to include a reference slide. Last, be sure to include speaker notes on each of your PowerPoint slides.

Title Slide

Slide 1: Importance of Early Education

Slide 2, 3, 4: Research Supporting Early Education

Slide 5, 6, 7: Issues Affecting Delivery of Early Education

Slide 8: Example of an Effective Early Education Program

Slide 9, 10, 11: Policies and Legislation Affecting Early Childhood Education

Slide 12, 13, 14: Future Steps to Improve Early Education


Discussion 2


Respond to Meghan post in do one of the following:


The APA format is readily used in academic writing for its format and use in the fields of social sciences. As mentioned in the Capella APA iGuide, it is also “readily recognizable” and by using APA educators are “ensuring consistency across degrees, programs, and school” around the country.(n.d., p.1)  In this way, it becomes easier to find and read citations, because all educators are on the same page.  APA format also, “has a foundation in academic honesty and integrity.” (n.d., p.1) Students are required to produce citations to identify where the basis of their ideas and thoughts are coming from. These citations not only help the educator, but also help to give credit to those who produced the studies. 

    Capella’s Academic Writer, helps students to better understand the APA format. According to the Capella web page, Academic Writer provides students with ways to” learn, reference, and write.” (n.d.,p.1) Students can learn more about the basics of the APA format. Students can identify ways to build up references and to better use search engines. Finally, students can find resources to check their academic work and sample papers to use as examples for their own writing. Academic Writer is a valuable resource for us to use while conducting research during our Master’s program.


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