Indigenous Australian Paper Custom Essay
That make links between a contemporary Indigenous Australian circumstance, Australia’s history and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) that inform change in the future, using the following structure:
Identify and describe two contemporary Indigenous Australian circumstances such as one of those explored in Module 3 (i.e. health, education, criminal justice, native title).
• Locate recent and relevant statistics that provide insights into the situation/s and provide a written description of the related issues.
• Briefly explain how this situation was created by colonisation and post-colonisation policies and practices.
• List at least two Rights for each case study, at least one of which is an Indigenous Right, which align with the contemporary circumstance being discussed.
• Describe how the Indigenous and/or Human Rights serve to improve the Indigenous circumstance under discussion.
• Include a reference list on a separate page.
“Reference requirements
• Use at least six (6) reference sources in total.
• At least two (2) of the references must be located through your own research. These texts must be of academic standard, such as a journal article, text book, text book chapter or conference paper proceeding. Assess the quality of content in web sources very carefully. In general, website references are unlikely to provide reliable, researched information suitable for this task.
• Do not reference Creative Spirits, Wikipedia or Skwirk/Red Apple as these are unreliable sources.
• Do not cite or reference the modules. You may cite and reference the readings linked to in the modules.
• Use in-text citations to identify other people’s ideas and words. These in-text citations must follow the APA referencing style. Quotes must be in quotation marks and the in-text citation must include the page number.
• The reference list must follow the APA style.
• The assessment task should be your own original work. This assessment task will be put through Turnitin to identify plagiarism.
Formal and respectful language requirements
• This assessment task must be in professional and formal language. This means there should be no contractions, abbreviations or slang. Write in the third person; avoid the use of “I”.
• Care must be taken to avoid spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
• Respectful and appropriate terminology must be used when referring to and writing about Indigenous Australian people and cultures.
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