Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 11 complete solutions correct answers key 5 different versions Chapter 11 Question 1 Which of the following best describes Bandura’s ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment? Question 2 Emilio’s therapist says that Emilio’s personality is fixated at the earliest stage of development. In layman’s terms, the therapist means that Emilio’s personality is ______ at the earlier stage. Question 3 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory Question 4 When taken to extremes, individualistic values might lead to undesirable consequences, such as _____. Question 5 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extraverted-stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill? Question 6 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory posits that the pleasure principle is _____. Question 7 Rogers used the term ______ to describe acceptance of a person’s basic worth under any circumstance. Question 8 Frank says, “My conscience is bothering me.” Using Freud’s terminology, Frank is referring to his Question 9 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s phallic stage of development? Question 10 In psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that organizes ways to handle delays of gratification and represents “reason and good sense” is the Question 11 Karen Horney’s feminine psychology emphasized the importance of our basic anxiety, which is _____. Question 12 According to humanists, personality is Question 13 In social-cognitive theory, expectancies are Question 14 The social-cognitive perspective of personality development is associated with which approach to therapy? Question 15 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called Question 16 Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective? Question 17 In the five-factor models of personality, which two traits parallel two of Eysenck’s traits? Question 18 Which part of the personality might be described as “the great compromiser”? Question 19 In social-lcognitive theory, all but which of the following play a role in explaining personality? Question 20 In humanistic theory of Rogers and Maslow, personality is best described as Question 1 From Freud’s perspective, a boy resolves his Oedipus complex by Question 2 In the humanistic perspective, realization of one’s own potential is known as Question 3 Mahatma Gandhi’s lifelong commitment to nonviolent solutions to social problems would likely be considered an example of a(n) ______ trait. Question 4 In Mischel’s theory, which person variable concerns the ability to plan courses of action to achieve goals and obtain rewards? Question 5 Ingmar’s boss ridiculed him in front of the whole office. When Ingmar returns home, he yells at his wife and children and kicks his dog. This is an example of Question 6 Gordon Allport thought that cardinal traits are _____. Question 7 According to Freud, most of the human mind resides in the ______, and primitive sexual and aggressive instincts lie in the ______. Question 8 All but which of the following are premises of Adler’s individual psychology? Question 9 Rorschach developed a famous personality test that uses __________ as stimuli. Question 10 Watson and Skinner believed that Question 11 Which of the following students is demonstrating a positive expectancy about schoolwork? Question 12 In _____, people are presented with a set of ambiguous stimuli that produce responses that must be interpreted by the examiner. Question 13 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extravertedstable. Which description most likely fits Cybill? Question 14 The most widely adopted trait model of personality today is the Question 15 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called Question 16 Paul forgets to call his motherinlaw on her birthday. He says it just slipped his mind. In the Freudian view, this type of forgetting may represent the defense mechanism of Question 17 The psychoanalytic perspective suggests that too much or too little gratification at a psychosexual stage may result in Question 18 Jacob and his friends like to lie around on summer days, stare up at the clouds, and tell each other what they see in the clouds. Their activity is most like which test of personality? Question 19 Who developed the 16PF personality test? Question 20 Raymond Cattell thought that surface traits are _____. Question 1 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory Question 2 Amy is from a collectivistic culture. Compared to her cousin Andre, who is from an individualistic culture, Amy is MORE likely to value which of the following? Question 3 According to humanists, personality is Question 4 The idea of reciprocal determinism was developed by Question 5 Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at college. Bandura used the term ______ to describe Herschel’s beliefs. Question 6 In personality testing, selfreport personality inventories are also known as Question 7 Which neoFreudian raised the idea that men may experience “womb envy”? Question 8 On the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the number of items scored in the same direction as the diagnostic group are converted into Question 9 Which type of learning did Bandura emphasize in his socialcognitive theory? Question 10 Emilio’s therapist says that Emilio’s personality is fixated at the earliest stage of development. In layman’s terms, the therapist means that Emilio’s personality is ______ at the earlier stage. Question 11 The combination of psychological characteristics and behavior patterns that characterize the uniqueness of an individual and the ways in which the individual relates to the world and adapts to environmental demands is called Question 12 Emma’s sense of who or what she should be is her Question 13 In applying the concept of building selfesteem in our personal lives, most of the skills valued in our society are Question 14 According to the text, Parvati can enhance her selfesteem by doing all but which of the following? Question 15 Which of the following best describes Bandura’s ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment? Question 16 In humanistic theory of Rogers and Maslow, personality is best described as Question 17 According to Adler, because of their small size and limited abilities, all children harbor feelings of Question 18 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s phallic stage of development? Question 19 ________ consists of 567 truefalse items that produce scores on 10 clinical scales and additional scales measuring other personality dimensions and response tendencies. Question 20 In Freudian theory, different parts of the body associated with sexual pleasure are referred to as Question 1 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called Question 2 Allport proposed ______ types of traits in the personality, and they are called _____. Question 3 In _____, people are presented with a set of ambiguous stimuli that produce responses that must be interpreted by the examiner. Question 4 It is often said of substance abusers that the first step in recovery is admitting they have a problem. In Freudian terms, we might say they need to overcome Question 5 A(n) ______ culture is one that emphasizes social roles and obligations. Question 6 Regarding selfefficacy, which of the following statements is FALSE? Question 7 Karen Horney’s feminine psychology emphasized the importance of our basic anxiety, which is _____. Question 8 Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at college. Bandura used the term ______ to describe Herschel’s beliefs. Question 9 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s latency stage of development? Question 10 Federico is a perfectionist with a strong need for selfcontrol, order, and cleanliness. Freud would describe Federico as having a(n) Question 11 Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are an essential part of the Question 12 Rogers used the term ______ to describe acceptance of a person’s basic worth under any circumstance. Question 13 A culture in which the sense of self is tied to personal accomplishments s best described as Question 14 Regarding Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which of the following statements is FALSE? Question 15 An individual’s general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as Question 16 In socialcognitive theory, expectancies are Question 17 The primary contributors to socialcognitive theory are Question 18 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called Question 19 Which neoFreudian raised the idea that men may experience “womb envy”? Question 20 Psychologist Walter Mischel emphasizes the importance of selfregulatory systems and plans, by which is meant _____. Question 1 Rorschach test is to ______ as Thematic Apperception Test is to ______. Question 2 From Freud’s perspective, a boy resolves his Oedipus complex by Question 3 After sixyearold Samantha’s baby brother was born, she started to have temper tantrums the way she had when she was two. This may be a case of Question 4 In the humanistic perspective, realization of one’s own potential is known as Question 5 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extravertedstable. Which description most likely fits Cybill? Question 6 Projective personality tests have been criticized on the basis of each of the following EXCEPT _____. Question 7 Socialcognitive theorists believe that personality is Question 8 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called Question 9 An individual’s general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as Question 10 In Freudian theory, the level of consciousness that corresponds to our current level of awareness is the Question 11 Socialcognitive theorist Mischel’s most recent work focuses on Question 12 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory posits that the superego consists of _____. Question 13 Who developed the Thematic Apperception Test? Question 14 Raymond Cattell thought that surface traits are _____. Question 15 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called Question 16 Which part of the personality might be described as “the great compromiser”? Question 17 According to Allport, secondary traits Question 18 William has set a series of goals for himself that are practically unachievable, and his selfesteem drops each time he fails to meet one of his goals. William needs to know that _____. Question 19 The belief that people’s character and mental abilities could be judged by the patterns of bumps on their skull is called Question 20 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory Click “Solutions” to find more stuff from Liberty University

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 9 complete solutions correct answers key
5 different versions
Chapter 9
Question 1 Instead of focusing on what she is no longer able to do, 80yearold Pauline uses her time and money to make up for the shortcomings associated with aging, focusing on activities that are meaningful and important to her. Pauline demonstrates which characteristic associated with successful aging?
Question 2 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the average American girl began to show signs of puberty by around age
Question 3 Psychologist Jeffrey Arnett describes the transition from adolescence to adulthood with the term
Question 4 How are bonding and attachment different?
Question 5 Which of the following is the leading cause of dementia?
Question 6 Francesca, who is pregnant, has just felt the first movements of her developing offspring. Given what you know about prenatal development, at which month of pregnancy would you estimate Francesca to be?
Question 7 According to Vygotsky, the optimal relationship between adult and child is
Question 8 Regarding adolescentparent relationships, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 9 The typical order of the stages in death and dying is
Question 10 The ability to solve abstract problems best describes someone at which of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Question 11 Sixtyfiveyearold Pablo is terminally ill with cancer. In terms of the stages of death and dying, how can his family and health care providers best help him?
Question 12 Fortytwoyearold Jon is experiencing a psychological challenge. He is grappling with the loss of his youth and feels “trapped,” perceiving a lack of future options. Based on this discrimination, what is Jon most likely experiencing?
Question 13 Regarding physical changes in adulthood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 14 In the Moro reflex, a newborn infant
Question 15 Regarding peer relationships in childhood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 16 Regarding physical and cognitive changes in late adulthood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 17 Imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking?
Question 18 The fetal stage of prenatal development lasts from
Question 19 Lawrence Kohlberg was interested in which aspect of development?
Question 20 Research on parenting styles suggests that the most effective parenting style is
Question 1 Other factors being equal, which child is at highest risk for negative outcomes in adolescence like poor school performance and low selfconfidence?
Question 2 Regarding the normal declines in memory functioning that occur during midlife, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 3 All but which of the following people are using compensation to successfully respond to challenges of aging?
Question 4 Impaired hearing and vision, deformed teeth and bones, and liver damage may occur as a result of which teratogen?
Question 5 Shawn was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. Shawn’s symptoms may include all of the following EXCEPT
Question 6 Which is the first sign of puberty in a female?
Question 7 Kohlberg’s postconventional level of moral development consists of which stages?
Question 8 The period of life beginning at puberty and ending with early adulthood is called
Question 9 Kohlberg studied moral development by
Question 10 What general term does Piaget use for the process of changing to function more effectively in responding to environmental challenges?
Question 11 Research on parenting styles suggests that the most effective parenting style is
Question 12 What is the correct sequencing of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Question 13 Nurse Ross Millhouse works in an assisted living facility where he cares for residents over the age of 85. Assuming the residents are typical of people of their age, about what percentage of the residents under Millhouse’s care would be expected to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease?
Question 14 In her research on attachment, Ainsworth noted ______ different styles of attachment, and they are called ______.
Question 15 Which of the following structures acts as a sort of shock absorber for the developing embryo or fetus?
Question 16 Regarding infants’ learning abilities, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 17 Nineyearold Dakoda realizes that the quantity of water in a glass remains the same, even when the water is poured into a different shaped glass and appears to look like more or less. In Piaget’s terms, Dakoda has developed
Question 18 Who studied the process of imprinting in geese and other species?
Question 19 Paula has recently dropped out of high school. She is not sure where she is headed in life, but school does not seem to be a part of it. She has started drinking and hanging around whoever has some alcohol. It sounds like Paula is in a state of
Question 20 An average child in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development can be expected to do all but which of the following?
Question 1 Thirdgrade teacher Ben Stallworth can expect that the majority of his eight and nine yearold students are in which stage of cognitive development?
Question 2 Teratogens that damage the arms and legs are most likely to have an effect during which weeks of pregnancy?
Question 3 Fifteenyearold Erica is predicted to experience which psychosocial crisis?
Question 4 In her research on attachment, Ainsworth noted ______ different styles of attachment, and they are called ______.
Question 5 Which is the first sign of puberty in a female?
Question 6 Sharon is in the fourth week of her pregnancy. At which stage of prenatal development is her offspring?
Question 7 If Aretha is like the typical older adult, the psychological problem she is most likely to face is
Question 8 The age of viability refers to the
Question 9 Aimee was late coming home from school. Even though she had a reasonable excuse, her parents grounded her for a month and suspended her allowance. This sounds like which style of parenting?
Question 10 An influential theory of death and dying was developed by
Question 11 The ability to solve abstract problems best describes someone at which of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Question 12 Regarding the development of identity, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 13 Toma is almost five years old. As he was struggling to learn to tie his shoes, his parents became exasperated with him and bought him shoes with Velcro closures. When he had trouble learning to ride a twowheeler with training wheels, his parents made him go back to a tricycle. According to Erikson’s theory, Toma may end up with a feeling of
Question 14 Regarding infant sensory abilities, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 15 Preserved intellectual ability in later life is associated with which factor(s)?
Question 16 As discussed in the text, in which culture do fathers engage in more physical play than mothers with their children?
Question 17 The fetal stage of prenatal development lasts from
Question 18 Harriet is working on building a sense of independence and selfcontrol. Generalizing from the theory of psychosocial development, Harriet is probably in which age group?
Question 19 Pedro just began lifting his chin and bringing objects to his mouth. What age would you guess Pedro to be?
Question 20 If 6monthold Mikhail’s development is normal, he can be expected to do all but which of the following?
Question 1 The New York Longitudinal Study identified ______ types of temperament, and they are called ______.
Question 2 In Piaget’s terminology, changing existing schemas to incorporate new information is called
Question 3 Petra is able to imagine what would happen if parents were held legally responsible for the crimes of their children. She is capable of making an argument for or against this, regardless of her opinion. Petra is probably in which stage of cognitive development?
Question 4 A child who explains that putting his toys away is good because he will get a treat is at what level of moral development?
Question 5 Elvin is 75 years old. He is rather sad because he regrets the wasted opportunities in life and feels he has made a lot of mistakes. From Erikson’s perspective, this reflects a sense of
Question 6 How are bonding and attachment different?
Question 7 According to Erik Erikson, people who forge a strong sense of ego identity earlier in development are more likely to achieve what in early adulthood?
Question 8 All but which of the following have been put forth as criticisms of Piaget’s theory?
Question 9 Ten-month-old Kazik’s parents are very sensitive to her needs. Whenever she cries, someone tries to comfort her. Based on this description, she will probably effectively resolve which psychosocial crisis?
Question 10 In the film “Fly Away Home,” a group of abandoned goslings develop a strong bond with a young girl. Since their mother is not there, the girl teaches the geese to fly using an ultralite airplane. This film is a good example of which concept from development psychology?
Question 11 In her research on attachment, Ainsworth noted ______ different styles of attachment, and they are called ______.
Question 12 Fifteen-year-old Erica is predicted to experience which psychosocial crisis?
Question 13 Regarding physical and cognitive changes in late adulthood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 14 Eight-month-old Finnegan is playful and responds positively to changes. He generally has a happy mood, and he quickly developed a regular sleeping and feeding schedule. Based on this description from the New York Longitudinal Study, Finnegan would be categorized as a(n) ______ child.
Question 15 In a crosscultural study of moral reasoning in Americans and Indians reported in the text, which of the following was found?
Question 16 The fetal stage of prenatal development lasts from
Question 17 An influential theory of death and dying was developed by
Question 18 Regarding adult crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence, which of the following statements is TRUE?
Question 19 According to the text, all but which of the following factors are associated with adolescent risk-taking?
Question 20 Generalizing from attachment research, it appears that the majority of infants have which attachment style?
Question 1 Imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking?
Question 2 Of the following characteristics Fiona experienced during puberty, which is a primary sex characteristic?
Question 3 In the film “Fly Away Home,” a group of abandoned goslings develop a strong bond with a young girl. Since their mother is not there, the girl teaches the geese to fly using an ultralite airplane. This film is a good example of which concept from development psychology?
Question 4 If Paige is like the average American girl, she will have her first period at about what age?
Question 5 The formation of a strong bond of a newborn animal to the first moving object seen after birth is called
Question 6 As discussed in the text, in which culture do fathers engage in more physical play than mothers with their children?
Question 7 Generalizing from attachment research, it appears that the majority of infants have which attachment style?
Question 8 Chris and Pat set limits for their children without being overcontrolling. Which style of parenting are they using?
Question 9 Regarding infant sensory abilities, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 10 Fortytwoyearold Jon is experiencing a psychological challenge. He is grappling with the loss of his youth and feels “trapped,” perceiving a lack of future options. Based on this discrimination, what is Jon most likely experiencing?
Question 11 Regarding the effects of teratogens on prenatal development, it appears that
Question 12 Which activity might allow Gwyneth to help her six-month-old granddaughter develop object permanence?
Question 13 If Maury’s son’s development is normal, Maury can expect that his son will develop depth perception by about what age?
Question 14 In a crosscultural study of moral reasoning in Americans and Indians reported in the text, which of the following was found?
Question 15 Which of the following is a secondary sex characteristic?
Question 16 The stage at which people become physically capable of reproducing is called
Question 17 Regarding physical changes in adulthood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 18 Sixmonthold Charlotte fits the characteristics of a slowtowarmup temperament. Charlotte would be expected to exhibit all but which of the following?
Question 19 Regarding physical and cognitive changes in late adulthood, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 20 Kohlberg’s postconventional level of moral development consists of which stages?
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