

  • Essay
  • November 19th, 2013

Management Systems & Financial Information for Decision Making Geraint’s Assignment Custom Essay

Management Systems & Financial Information for Decision Making (BS4S04) Geraint’s Assignment This assignment is an individual piece of work. • Management Systems & Financial Information for Decision Making (BS4S04)

Geraint’s Assignment 2013/14

Date Handed Out: 7th October 2013

Date Due In: 9th December 2013

• This assignment is an individual piece of work.
• Please submit a word processed copy not exceeding 3,000 via Turnitin on Blackboard


Plagiarism is when you take the ideas, thoughts, words or inventions of someone else and present them as your own. It includes copying from fellow students as well as from books, and taking ideas and images from others as well as their actual words. It is a very serious academic offence.

You must ensure that all work submitted for assessment is your own, and has not been previously submitted for any other award or module. When you use source material, either quote it directly using quotation marks, or summarise or paraphrase it in your own words, and cite your source in the text or footnotes. If you take up an idea from someone else, or wish to discuss someone’s critique of a particular theory, you must again cite the source. Only your own original thoughts and evaluations should remain unreferenced.

Each subject discipline tends to have its preferred method of referencing other sources. You should consult your Award or module tutor for advice and see the section on referencing in this Handbook.

Plagiarism is an infringement of University Regulations. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you may be failed in the complete stage of the award, and in extreme cases may be discontinued.


Either taking Tesco PLC’s or Admiral Group PLC’s Financial Statements, answer the following questions.
In order to answer the questions below, you will need to access the last two years financial statements of Tesco PLC (www.tesco.com) or Admiral Group PLC (www.admiralgroup.co.uk) or you can access FAME on the university’s intranet site.

Question 1

Critically discuss three internal users and three external users of accounting information within your chosen company (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC)
Your answer should include not only the users but their needs, requirements and the importance of the financial information for their key decision-making.
(25 Marks)

Question 2

Critically discuss the primary objective and four secondary objectives of your chosen company (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC)
Whilst analysing these objectives critically provide evidence of their success or even failure.
(25 Marks)

Question 3

Using Profitability, Efficiency, Financial and Investor ratios, perform two years of calculations on your chosen company (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC), analysing any areas of strength or perceived weaknesses that you have identified.
An analysis of each ratio is required along with a benchmark of the results to the previous year together with suggestions of improvement or reasons for decline.
(25 Marks)

Question 4

Critically discuss the importance of cash management and capital budgeting to your chosen company (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC).
Your answer needs to incorporate the reasoning behind budgets being established within your company (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC) and how the master budget fits in strategically within your company’s (Tesco PLC or Admiral Group PLC) objectives.


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