

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Managing in Public and Private Sectors NHS Custom Essay

For the second part of the assessment for this module, you are required to produce an individual, written piece of work, of a maximum 3,000 words, based on a public service organisation or partnership organization/project, chosen by the student, which contains an analysis of appropriate topics and material we have covered in the module, in relation to that organisation . This should be in essay format.

Choosing an organisation or partnership you will need to be thinking of an area or areas which you might want to consider in your case study. For example, you might choose a school or a hospital, or a government department. Alternatively, you may choose to look at a partnership scheme, a public private partnership, or perhaps a partnership aimed at regeneration.
If you DO choose to look at a partnership, it should involve public and private organisations (for example, a PFI scheme involving the NHS and the private sector), public and voluntary organisations or community groups (for example a local council using a voluntary body to deliver services for a group of people),
or combinations of all three (for example- regeneration initiatives, and Local Strategic Partnerships)

This will require you to do independent research and find your own sources.

Firstly, you will need to do some research in order to make your choice. Perhaps it may be in your local area? Or, perhaps you know of

company which engages in a lot of public/ private work which will give good examples of this kind of working?

The written assignment

do some initial research. In your assignment, set out the context and the background of your chosen topic….what it is, how is it

organised, when did it come into being, etc.

Aim to spend no more than 750 words on this (this is an indication only- each case may well differ). The core of your assignment should then be an analysis in which you relate what you consider to be the most relevant topics that we have covered to your organisation, rather than being wholly descriptive. You should here be seeking to apply knowledge gained from the module and elsewhere in your studies to show understanding of the relevant issues that we have covered in the seminars. For example- you may choose to look at Strategy and performance measurement. How does, or should the organisation address these issues- what issues are raised- eg- are they measuring the right thing, what issues do they consider in Strategic planning etc- are they approaching it differently because of their ‘public’ nature? Alternatively- you may choose to look at some of the broader things- does it throw light on the question of whether public and private sectors are becoming more similar, or the issue of using markets in the public services?

You will need to be sure that they you can access sufficient information about the organisation or partnership of your choice. With a word target of 3,000, this could break down approximately as follows, for example:

Introduction 750 max
topic 1 800-1,200 max
topic 2 800-1,200 max
Conclusions 250 min
Total 3,000 max

Information sources
You may be able to get information directly, and in other cases it may be less clear- for example- you may not be able to find out how an organisation produced its strategy. However, here you can reflect on how it should, and what issues are likely to arise. You need to be pro-active in seeking out and retrieving information. Whatever your chosen subject, you will have essentially three broad sources of information: firstly, the organisation or partnership website(s); secondly, the organisations and their staff; and, thirdly, the media – probably local rather than national (unless the organisation covers the country, or deals with projects of national importance). This third category includes newspapers, radio stations, and TV companies.

Limited information? How to fill the gaps You can use a combination of subject knowledge and intuition to fill in the gaps. In the case of strategy. For example, what are the strategic issues facing a School? The answer could be drawn from a strategic analysis involving two of the most vital steps in undertaking a strategic plan, namely a PEST analysis, followed by a SWOT analysis to reveal the adequacy or otherwise of the school’s competencies for dealing with perceived opportunities and threats. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to get answers to all your

questions, provided you are willing to think


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