

  • Essay
  • November 23rd, 2013

Paraphrasing my Statement of Purpose "Letter of Intent" Custom Essay

My interest in linguistics began when I was in secondary school. I wondered how we could understand each other when we communicate with language, because we do not do anything except produce sounds. Since then, I have been inspired by language and seek to gain a better understanding of how it works.
I earned my undergraduate degree at the department of Arabic Language at the King Khalid University (KKU) in Saudi Arabia. During that period, I did an in-depth study of Syntax, Arabic Grammar, Philology, and Rhetoric etc. Upon graduation (with First class honors) ranking first among all graduating students in the Department of Arabic Language at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia, I was offered the Honor Degree of the year 2006 by the president of the university, I was appointed as a Teaching Assistant in the same department in the Collage of Human Arts in KKU, and I gained a full scholarship from the KKU to pursue my graduate studies. All these factors have contributed to shaping my linguistic knowledge and have motivated me to move forward in my graduate study of Linguistics.
My academic and linguistic experience has also been shaped by other factors. I taught several undergraduate-level courses for about two years at the department of Arabic language at KKU, teaching Syntax, Morphology, and Semantics. This experience widened my linguistic knowledge by sharing and discussing my ideas with my students, and improved my teaching skills as well. Moreover, I worked as a Manger of students� Extracurricular Activities
As I gained a full scholarship, I went to the US to study English as a second language and as a requirement for enrolling in a Linguistics program in the U.S. I spent about one years studying English at the Interlink Language Center in Indiana State University. This helped me not only in learning English, but also increased my passion and opened a new window for me on human language faculty and how different languages have different systems of coding meaning. Since then, I have been inspired to learn more languages. Now I speak Arabic, my native language, and English fluently, and I am interested in Hebrew and Farsi as well.
As a master�s degree candidate at Indiana State University, I continued my education in linguistics and majored in linguistics and TESL. In 2009, I started my master�s program and took many courses that deepened my knowledge of linguistics, including historical linguistics, English syntax, lexicology and word formation, phonetics and phonology, research methods in linguistics, language acquisition, teaching English as a second language, Pragmatics, and many other linguistics courses. This experience deepened my understanding of language and broadened my linguistic view. I have successfully completed my master�s program, and earned my master�s degree of Art in Linguistics. I also earned a graduate TESL/TEFL certificate from the department of languages, literatures and linguistics at Indiana State University. After I came back home, I got promoted by KKU to be a lecturer and was selected to be a member of a committee for Development and Quality in Human Arts College – KKU to participate in evaluating undergraduate curricula. Now, I�m lecturing some Arabic and linguistics courses such as Syntax, Arabic Writing, and Linguistics Skills in a full time basis as well as working with the National Newspaper (Al-watan) in Saudi Arabia as an Editor and proofreader in a part time basis.

I enthusiastically seek to enroll in the PhD program in ���������, and develop my ideas by taking advanced courses in my area of interest with a concentration on Arabic and Linguistics. I would like to further investigate Arabic Syntax in my future studies since I have studied and taught several Syntax courses in a higher education level. Thus, I am looking forward to being a student in Dr���classes in Classical Arabic Grammar, Multimedia Arabic, Arabic Composition, Arabic Phonetics and Phonology, and Arabic Morphology and Syntax as well as continuing working under her supervision as a PhD student and a teaching assistant of Arabic Language. Another interest of mine as I have some experiences in tutoring non-native speakers of Arabic some Arabic Language basics, is teaching Arabic as a second language with the application of Computer Assisted Language Learning. It is also such a great opportunity for me to study and translate one of the most important books in Arabic language, which is �Al-kitab� the Book written by Sibawayh since it is considered as the first book on Arabic Syntax, morphology, and phonetics ever written. These are some of the primary reasons I would like to apply to your program, and I am strongly confident that my research interests are in line with the topics and courses offered by this department and faculty. It is worth mentioning that I am financially funded and fully covered by my sponsor, KKU.

In conclusion, I believe that with my passion, skill, and knowledge, I will be an excellent candidate in your program. Since I am planning to work as a professor of Arabic and linguistics at KKU in my home country after completing my Ph.D. studies, I strongly believe that your department is the best place to pursue my academic dreams and research interests so that makes me eager to apply once again to your department ��.. in ��. as I was not successful to get accepted last year. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you select me as one of your students and accept my application. As I understand the responsibility of being admitted to the PhD program, this letter serves not only as my statement of purpose for admission but also as my pledge of commitment to hard work. Thank you for your time and consideration for my application.


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