Personal Planning Custom Essay
Each student must submit a personal financial plan prepared for a person or family of his/her choice.
The paper must encompass all parts of a financial plan. Each part must be addressed on a separate page or pages, both through written description in sentences and paragraphs and recommendations and relevant quantitative matters. Your writing style should be as if you were presenting it to the “client,” not to the professor.
The outline of the paper should be:
Background A brief summary of the client(s) bringing the individual(s) to life for the professor. This is the only section that should be addressed to the professor.
Summary of Your major significant recommendations generally in
recommendations a phrase or sentence for each recommendation.
Balance Sheet Evaluation plus the normal statement you should be familiar with.
Cash Flow Planning Background and recommendations plus statement including current year and next two years projected data.
Tax Planning Background and recommendations plus statement including current year and next two years projections.
Investment Background and recommendations plus overall asset allocation and Morningstar Sheet for one fund.
Risk Management Background and recommendations plus life and disability insurance needs worksheet.
Retirement Background and recommendations plus retirement planning worksheet. Anyone not performing a retirement needs analysis will receive at least one grade lower
Estate Background and recommendations.
Overall SWOT Analysis
Your grade will be based on the substance of your recommendations, your ability to capture the essence of the “clients'” goals and problems in writing, the quality of your supporting tables, and your ability to integrate the supporting tables with your descriptive material. Perhaps the most important factor will be the depth and extent of your analysis and specific recommendations. The paper will be due on the day of the final exam.
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