

  • Essay
  • December 10th, 2013

Persuasive Essay: The right of minorities to preserve their identity is a topic undergoing many debates and has not been explored yet Custom Essay

Persuasive Essay: The right of minorities to preserve their identity is a topic undergoing many debates and has not been explored yet; more particularly the socio-economic participation of minorities in relation to their right to identity. This interrelation and interaction is studied from a multi-

disciplinary perspective, spanning a broad range of disciplines. This interrelation also manifests itself in distinctive ways for religious

minorities, ethnic minorities, and indigenous peoples.
The question remains, should minorities have to compromise their cultural identity to survive in a host culture; in other words should they be

obliged to compromise their identity for the sake of survival. Cultural identity in this case refers to the language, customs and traditions,

religion, holidays, the arts (music, literature, art) and all that a society shares of attitudes and beliefs towards philosophy, science,

religions, economics and education.

Your assignment:, is to write an organized essay of 700 to 100 words to persuade your audience logically of the position you take on the above


The Rhetorical Situation:
? Your purpose is persuasive (obviously it must be informative too).
? Your audience is the majority cultures that host minorities
? The obvious context is survival and the larger context is preservation of civilization that are on the way to extinction

Resourcing: Your essay requires a List of References and not a Bibliography. Your resources must be a combination of online books and scholarly

articles from the library database. Google articles are not allowed. Your textbook may also have some useful articles. Four to five resources

excluding dictionaries.

To avoid unintentional plagiarism, remember to keep track of your quotations, paraphrases, citations and references and abide by APA format for

in-text citations and

Explore three premises in favor of your claim (position). Use any combination of rhetorical strategies ranging from definition, causal analysis,

comparison, process and illustration, classification as relevant patterns for persuasion, in addition to other patterns you find necessary to

develop your main ideas. If you are not clear about representing a certain strategy, you may refer to the 001 folder on ilearn. The bottom line

is to be effective in the use of these strategies.

Each premise must then be backed up with a combination of 3 types of evidence and facts and pertinent examples.

Some issues to note:
? Clearly defined terms
? Fair use of information
? Avoiding logical fallacies that weaken your position
? Avoiding emotionally charged language
? Depending primarily on Logos for persuasion
? Documentation

Examine the outline that is provided in the assignment folder as a guide for the structure and organization of your essay. You do not need to

submit an outline but some may want to use it to plan their writing.

Write your essay; be aware of audience and voice. As a controversial issue, it is possible that you will slip into emotionally charged language

and ethical matters. Create a balance between logos, pathos and ethos. Pay attention that tone is not condescending, superior, or degrading to

the reader. Words such ‘obviously’, ‘surely’, ‘without a doubt’, are almost always an indication of the irrational or unreasonable. Be sure to

convince and not offend.


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