

Powerpoint And Journal

Unit III PowerPoint Presentation

You are the emergency manager of your local community and have been issued the task of calling local, state, and federal officials to meet regarding recovery planning and mitigation efforts for flooding within the community. You would like individuals within your department to help you organize and conduct the meeting, so you call them into your office to discuss how you would like the officials to be approached regarding the meeting and what items will be discussed during the meeting. 

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will cover the following topics related to recovery operations and mitigation strategies within your community: 

methods that will be used to gather stakeholders together for this collaboration process; 

necessary steps that will be needed in order to provide relocation services for flooding victims; 

how business continuity will occur for 7-10 days after the event,15-30 days after the event, and 45 days after the event; 

and individuals who will be instrumental in working alongside community members regarding the Geographical Information System (GIS), which, as you recall, can be used in mapping and visualizing the vulnerabilities within your community. 

Your PowerPoint presentation should consist of at least 10 slides, not including your title slide and references slides. 

Use the Note Section to do in depth

***Go by the powerpoint guide (Attached)

You should use at least two sources, one of which can be your textbook. Be sure that your sources are cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. 

Text book: Kapucu, N., & Özerdem, A. (2013). Managing emergencies and crises. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Journal Entry

Thinking about your local community, how prepared is your community regarding disaster events that may impact the area? What are some of the local, state, and federal resources that may be necessary to use (call upon) after a disaster event has taken place?

Community: Killeen, Texas


Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


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