Proposed Tesco Store, Morning Lane, Hackney, London Custom Essay
Original Planning Application submitted: December 2008
Planning Decision: November 2010
Transport Assessment prepared by Waterman Boreham
Retail Impact Assessment prepared by Alsop Verrill LLP
Environment Statement prepared by Alsop Verrill LLP
Sustainability Statement prepared by Scott Wilson
Flood Risk Assessment prepared by White Young Green
You are required to write a report of between 2500 words which provides a critical evaluation of a retail impact assessment report, a transport assessment report, or an environmental assessment report.
1. You should examine and discuss the strengths and weakness of the chosen report/study, and include in your paper: :
a. A discussion of the debates about the use of evidence in planning.
b. A very brief discussion of the planning policies relevant to the study
c. An explanation of the methodological approach used in the study and its strengths and weaknesses
d. A critical evaluation of the study
(issues you should examine include: are the primary and secondary data appropriate and adequate? Are the assumptions reasonable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study? Are the conclusions appropriate? Any other observations)
You should choose to examine one of the impact assessment reports shown over the page.
You should support your arguments, wherever possible, using the general literature on evidence and skills in planning, and on the specific technique you have chosen to study. An indicative report template has also been provided.
Assessment Criteria (Report)
The extent to which you:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the debates about the use of evidence in planning
2. Explain the methodology and technique/s used in the study chosen
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approach used in the study
4. Identify and assess the relevant planning policies for the case study
5. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the study examined
6. Base your arguments on reliable evidence and reasoned argument
7. Use a range of relevant literature to support the discussions
8. Produce a paper that is well written (in terms of spelling, grammar and referencing) and is clearly structured.
Assignment – Further guidance
In order to assist you with the structure of your Report, I have set out below a possible report template that you can use. This is purely for illustration purposes.
“A critical evaluation of a Retail Impact/Transport Assessment/Environmental Report”
Explain report structure
Refer to case study chosen; reason for choosing it; who is report by; for what purpose has it been submitted.
The Role and Use of Evidence in Planning
What is Evidence/knowledge? Instrumental/Enlightenment models etc.
What is its relationship to public policy, decision making and action?
Proposed Development (in case study)
Brief Summary of scheme details
Planning Policy Context (for your chosen case study)
Identify and assess the relevant planning policies (for the case study)
Methodological Context (for your chosen case study)
Identify and assess the relevant methodologies and techniques used for collecting and assessing the evidence
Summary of Main Evidence and Conclusions (in case study)
Summarise the main findings and conclusions from the study
Critical Evaluation of Policy and Methodology used (in case study)
Data collected; Assumptions; Variables; Omissions
Strengths and Weaknesses of methodology and evidence
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