PSYC 101 quiz 5 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 5 complete solutions correct answers key
5 different versions
Chapter 5
Question 1 Operant conditioning is also known as
Question 2 Regarding research on the classical conditioning of taste aversions, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 3 All but which of the following are examples of the application of principles of operant conditioning?
Question 4 Karen agrees to replace the toilet paper when it runs out if her roommate, Susan, will wash her dirty dishes every evening after dinner. This is an example of
Question 5 Regarding observational learning, which of the following is FALSE?
Question 6 An “Open” sign in the window of a store that tells Ivan he can go in to purchase a beverage he finds particularly reinforcing. In this example, the sign serves as a
Question 7 Helena has learned that she gets motion sickness easily. If Helena takes medicine before a boat ride so she doesn’t get sea sick, she is demonstrating
Question 8 Regarding classical conditioning, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 9 Classical conditioning is best described as learning by
Question 10 Researchers have been able to successfully condition immune system suppression by linking neutral stimuli with a(n)
Question 11 The Law of Effect was proposed by
Question 12 Dr. Emmanuel demonstrates a typical Pavlovian conditioning experiment for his psychology class. Emmanuel pairs a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus and then asks the class, “What is the neutral stimulus called now?” The correct answer is
Question 13 When Salina was a young girl, a dog viciously attacked her as she was walking along a white picket fence. Since then, she displays intense fear of white picket fences. Salina is demonstrating
Question 14 Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 15 Which of the following can best be described as an example of latent learning?
Question 16 Classical conditioning can explain the development of all of the following EXCEPT
Question 17 Regarding Rescorla’s views on classical conditioning, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 18 Psychologist Albert Bandura believes that children learn aggression through
Question 19 Under which condition would Watson’s experiments on classical conditioning be replicated today?
Question 20 Regarding characteristics that influence conditioned responses, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 1 Amita was just grounded by her parents. She is not allowed to use her computer or cell phone, or watch television. Which method of punishment are Amita’s parents using?
Question 2 A clear connection between a behavior and a reinforcement is referred to as
Question 3 Pavlov found that the strength of a conditioned response increased with the number of pairings of the
Question 4 ______ is the systematic application of operant conditioning to strengthen adaptive behavior and weaken maladaptive behavior.
Question 5 A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response performed after a specific amount of time has passed is reinforced is called a
Question 6 The most surprising element in Garcia’s research on taste aversion was that
Question 7 Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?
Question 8 Although Hannah knows that praise strengthens desirable behavior in children, she is not sure what specific strategies she should use. Which of the following guidelines should Hannah follow?
Question 9 Cognitive learning involves
Question 10 Operant conditioning is also known as
Question 11 A puff of air to the eye causes a reflexive blink. If you precede the puff of air with a buzzer, eventually the buzzer will cause a blink. In this example, the puff of air is called the
Question 12 Pauline became ill after eating eggs contaminated with salmonella. She subsequently becomes nauseous whenever she sees eggs. This is an example of
Question 13 Most psychologists define learning as
Question 14 Increasing the number of pairings of the US and CS will
Question 15 Watson investigated the classical conditioning of which type of responses?
Question 16 Which of the following does NOT belong?
Question 17 Vlad receives $100 for every ten telemarketing calls he makes. This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.
Question 18 Which of the following is the best definition of spontaneous recovery?
Question 19 Mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of the solution occurs is referred to as
Question 20 Who is most closely associated with the study of conditioned emotional reactions?
Question 1 Cognitive learning involves
Question 2 In the classic latent learning experiments described in your text, it appears that the rats developed a mental representation of the maze. Researchers call this mental representation a
Question 3 Watson investigated the classical conditioning of which type of responses?
Question 4 Classical conditioning can explain the development of all of the following EXCEPT
Question 5 Chris has been experiencing a number of problems on the job. In order to get away from his problems for a while, Chris regularly drinks heavily in the evening, after work. We can explain this behavior as a form of
Question 6 Who is most closely associated with the study of conditioned emotional reactions?
Question 7 In an example reported in your text, a man was trapped behind a refrigerator and nearly suffocated. Subsequently, he has a phobia of tight, enclosed spaces and is afraid to ride on small, crowded elevators. However, he has no fear of large, uncrowded elevator rides. The man’s fear of small elevators is an example of ______, and his lack of fear toward large elevators is an example of _______.
Question 8 Compared to continuous reinforcement, partial reinforcement results in _______ learning that is _______ to extinguish.
Question 9 A discriminative stimulus signals that
Question 10 Primary reinforcers are
Question 11 ______ is the systematic application of operant conditioning to strengthen adaptive behavior and weaken maladaptive behavior.
Question 12 Most psychologists define learning as
Question 13 Psychologist Albert Bandura believes that children learn aggression through
Question 14 Which of the following can best be described as an example of observational learning?
Question 15 Vlad receives $100 for every ten telemarketing calls he makes. This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.
Question 16 When twoyearold Clarice was playing in the basement, a large burst of thunder scared her at the same time she saw a spider. Now Clarice has a spider phobia. Clarice’s experience is an example of which type of learning?
Question 17 Which of the following is the best definition of spontaneous recovery?
Question 18 Helena has learned that she gets motion sickness easily. If Helena takes medicine before a boat ride so she doesn’t get sea sick, she is demonstrating
Question 19 Which of the following best describes the nature of learning?
Question 20 A researcher finds that rats avoid drinking from bottles in a room in which they had received exposure to radiation that subsequently made them ill. This demonstrates
Question 1 Each of the following describes a form of cognitive learning EXCEPT
Question 2 Caroline has an “Aha!” experience when solving a problem. Caroline most likely experienced which type of learning?
Question 3 When two-year-old Clarice was playing in the basement, a large burst of thunder scared her at the same time she saw a spider. Now Clarice has a spider phobia. Clarice’s experience is an example of which type of learning?
Question 4 Following his experience in the military, Hans developed a classically conditioned fear response to radio static. After he left the military, the response extinguished. However, after not hearing radio static for several months, Hans again shows the conditioned fear response. Hans’s experience is best described by
Question 5 Which of the following pairings is correct?
Question 6 In Pavlov’s studies of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus was one that caused
Question 7 Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 8 Compared to continuous reinforcement, partial reinforcement results in _______ learning that is _______ to extinguish.
Question 9 In an application of classical conditioning principles reported in the text, how were sheep ranchers able to protect their sheep from coyotes?
Question 10 Classical conditioning is best described as learning by
Question 11 A reflexive reaction triggered by a stimulus is a(n)
Question 12 Which pattern best describes what happens once classical conditioning occurs?
Question 13 The Law of Effect was proposed by
Question 14 Which of the following is the best definition of reinforcer?
Question 15 Which of the following best describes the nature of learning?
Question 16 Regarding observational learning, which of the following is FALSE?
Question 17 In classical conditioning, a conditioned response can weaken and eventually disappear. This is referred to as
Question 18 In applying a cognitive perspective to explaining classical conditioning, a psychologist would emphasize the extent to which the CS __________ the US.
Question 19 Mr. Bonoir gives students stars on their homework when it is done well. A student can exchange 10 stars for a treat. This is a form of
Question 20 In Watson’s research with Little Albert, the rat began as the _____ and became the _____.
Question 1 Mr. Bonoir gives students stars on their homework when it is done well. A student can exchange 10 stars for a treat. This is a form of
Question 2 Through classical conditioning, Eduardo has developed a fear of dogs. However, he only fears large, longhaired dogs but not small, longhaired dogs or large, shorthaired dogs. Eduardo is demonstrating
Question 3 What is Rosalie Rayner’s role in the history of psychology?
Question 4 Dr. Emmanuel demonstrates a typical Pavlovian conditioning experiment for his psychology class. Emmanuel pairs a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus and then asks the class, “What is the neutral stimulus called now?” The correct answer is
Question 5 Shawn does extremely well on his spelling test in school. His father praises Shawn for this test score and tells him how smart he is, but he should be able to learn the next list of words even faster. Where giving praise is concerned, Shawn’s Dad needs to know about the principle of
Question 6 Regarding characteristics that influence conditioned responses, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 7 Modern psychologists refer to the first part of the Law of Effect as _____ and the second part as _____.
Question 8 Regarding classical conditioning, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 9 Which of the following pairings is correct?
Question 10 In the past three psychology labs, Liliya has been attempting to classically condition a lab rat. Her strategy has been to present the US and CS simultaneously. Which of the following should she do to strengthen the conditioned response of the rat?
Question 11 Pavlov found that the strength of a conditioned response increased with the number of pairings of the
Question 12 A “scalloped” response pattern is typical of which type of reinforcement schedule?
Question 13 In a typical classical conditioning experiment by Pavlov, a buzzer or tone serves as a(n)
Question 14 Helena has learned that she gets motion sickness easily. If Helena takes medicine before a boat ride so she doesn’t get sea sick, she is demonstrating
Question 15 Learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not revealed in performance when it occurs is referred to as
Question 16 A puff of air to the eye causes a reflexive blink. If you precede the puff of air with a buzzer, eventually the buzzer will cause a blink. In this example, the puff of air is called the
Question 17 Rescorla applies a cognitive perspective in explaining classical conditioning. He focuses on the extent to which the CS __________ the US.
Question 18 Through classical conditioning, Alyce has developed a fear of mice. She also shows a fear response to gerbils and hamsters. Alyce is demonstrating
Question 19 Which researcher conducted investigations of latent learning with rats in mazes?
Question 20 Which of the following is the best definition of spontaneous recovery?
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