

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Qualitative research critique: Use the following document to complete the quantitative critique assignment Custom Essay

(please type directly in the document) this is the actual assignment with assigned points that is to be submitted and graded. Also refer to the syllabus for a copy of the assignment.

To complete the assignment, follow the pages in your text book in box 5.2 (pp. 112-114).

Some of the responses will require a one sentence answer, while some may require a longer answer and the need to support your answers with content from the study or from your text. Credit will not be given for one answer replies such as yes or no. Try to be direct and concise and avoid excessive wordiness. Offer your response and support it with a reference when appropriate. If a question does not apply write n/a and describe why i.e. if asked a question re: content that does not apply to a RCT you would write: n/a this is a RCT.

When referencing material, either in the form of a direct quote or paraphrasing the content from the article or your text, please follow APA format for in text citations. Include your references in APA format at the end of your critique.

For this assignment, you will use the Fulmer et al. study and your Polit and Beck text book. ISBN: 9781605477084. (not really required but helps)

Be sure to spend some time thoroughly addressing the questions related to bias, and internal, external, and construct validity.

Remember the questions are asking if the researchers addressed the content rather than what you believe was included – the critique is from the perspective of the content presented in the study.

In the quantitative critique assignment a question is present regarding if the statistical design was the most powerful for the content – at this level the best approach to answer this is to search the statistical analysis and the tests that the researchers used in your text book and address if it is suitable as a powerful test to explore the hypotheses – for example a test that is suitable for testing two DV if that is what it is being measured as compared to a test that is suitable for only one DV
also you would include what the alpha level or significance is set at; in this study it is less than or equal to 0.5.

You can address if it was an appropriate test but may know if it is the most powerful and therefore
you may believe that many types of answers are acceptable – but not applicable is not appropriate to write.

Although APA requires all work to be double spaced – for this assignment you may single space your answers.

Leave a line or two between each question in the assignment as this will prevent crowding and missing content (help you answer each question that has a point assigned) and facilitate grading.


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