Research Report
Research Report Task: Your boss/stakeholder in your project has asked you to write an informative, interesting, analytical, recommendations research report on one of the topics below (see list of topics or choose a topic of your own and ask me to approve it). Following the report format (Week 6 and 7 Content) you will investigate this topic/issue, provide researched information about various aspects on the topic and conclude with a list of recommendations (based on your research findings). A sample report will be discussed in Week 7. Research Component:
• Include at least five sources from places such as the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, interviews, etc.
• At least one of these sources must be peer reviewed. You must include at least one citation or paraphrase from each source, using the APA style of documentation.
• Please ensure you consult the CRAAP/COCOA for reliability of sources (Week 4 Content). • There must be a References page at the end of your report that should be linked to your
in-‐text references. *Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source and will not count towards your research component. Requirements:
• Format: formal report addressed to me OR to your boss/stakeholder • Length: approx. 15 pages long, including graphics and References page • Components: title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary,
introduction, body, conclusions & recommendations, appendix (if applicable), References • Pattern: direct or the indirect, depending on your audience • Correct APA format throughout, including in-‐text citations and References page (for
information regarding APA format, consult the Purdue University Online Writing Lab: APA Formatting and Style Guide)
• Organization: sections with effective headings and subheadings • Full block format; single-‐spaced, 1 blank line between paragraphs; main sections start on
a new page • Font: Times New Roman 12-‐point for text. You can use larger font for headings. • Style and Grammar: Apply all of the principles of effective business communication,
including correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling *Note: this should be a recommendations report-‐ not an informational report. Overall you are providing the reader with information (in the beginning) about your topic to eventually convince them of your recommendations (at the end).
This list of possible topics may form the basis of your research reports (depending on breadth and scope of material available). You may also submit a topic for approval outside of this list via email.
• Developing a marketing partnership with HR to support corporate brand • A marketing response to changing customer requirements: the drive towards wellness • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Development marketing platforms within the recruitment cycle • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships • Identifying and creating new markets – new strategies for Marketing • Developing competitive marketing strategies internationally • How a brand promise drives change in a multinational organization • Brand repositioning and communications • Corporate versus product branding • Developing a marketing partnership with other departments to support corporate brand • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships
Late Penalty: Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of 10% per day (including weekends). After 3 days, the Dropbox will close and assignments will no longer be accepted. Academic Integrity: All papers will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Please make sure you reference your sources correctly and view your % of copied text. It is acceptable for this report to have approximately 15-‐20% of matching text to your references and or in-‐text quotations. If you are concerned please check the Turnitin score before the due date. Submissions cannot be altered after the due date has passed.
Evaluation Criteria:
RESEARCH REPORT GRADE Report structure/ sections: 1. Title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary /10 2. Introduction
• Topic chosen is specific, focused, and appropriate • Report addresses important questions related to topic • Introduction explains importance of this research, provides background about
business situation or problem to be solved • Intro mentions solution/ proposal (for direct pattern reports)
3. Findings, Analysis, and Recommendations • Specific and pertinent facts are provided about topic • Facts and ideas are presented clearly • Recommendations, if applicable, are based on findings • Summary, if applicable, is an appropriate recap of main points
Use of Sources • At least 5 appropriate, high-‐quality sources used effectively to support findings
and/or recommendations • Source material integrated well, with appropriate signal phrases, in-‐text
citations, parenthetical references, etc. • APA format used without error
Formatting, readability, and usability of document • Correct report format • Sufficient, consistently written, and formatted headings to guide reader • Some information presented graphically via charts, diagrams, tables, etc. (taken
from sources or created by student) • Long paragraphs avoided in favour of manageable paragraphs and/or
bulleted/numbered points, where appropriate • Appropriate tone (objective, formal)
Free of all grammatical, spelling, and stylistic errors /20 TOTAL /100
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