Short Story Seminar Assignment: The book name is in this project is : The Last Salt Gift of Blood written by Alistair MacLeod and the story we are going to focus on and do the project Custom Essay
The book name is in this project is : The Last Salt Gift of Blood written by Alistair MacLeod and the story we are going to focus on and do the project is short story number 2 and the name is the: The Vastness of the Dark
-First slide: should be offering and opening discussion- its like two questions about the short story just to engage other students in the class to share some ideas. It should be open and general questions.
-Second and third slides: following questions a) Create your thesis/theme statement. Include the story’s title and the author name, and explain your group’s of reasons for choosing that particular statement.
For example: the themes in this story are X,Y,Z and bla bla bla-like explain why you chose them.
b) Offer at least two quotations from the story to support the interoperation. -give two cited quotes from the Vastness of the Dark for your 3 different themes.
c) Discuss the importance or relevance of this theme statement to our lives as human beings. Go outside the story itself and involve the class here!! (this part is important)
4th slide- in this slide your going to answer the following question: Are there any ironic aspects of the story that give it extra edge and impact? Be specific please. And tell why!
5th slide: Cite one sentence in the story which is the one crystallize vital and moments of the story. Use MLA formatting for those quatations and explain why you chose that sentence…
6th and 7th slide- Plot the story arch in these slides you should do the following a) Trace the line of the story to find the importance elements of:
-the exposition(the background information that makes the story meaningful)
-the inciting accident(the event that ignites the conflict or starts the action)
-the rising action(events that lead the main character to crisis)
-the climax or the crisis(the event that sends the story in another direction)
-the falling action(fallout and consequences of the crisis)
-the resolution(what gives closure to the story-if at all)
=so these things will be an specific event in the story Vastness of the Dark and try to explain why you choose that event for that category.
b) What can we gather from the arch of the plot in this story?
-answer in fully detailed way
8th slide: Two questions for discussion:
Ask the class 2 questions that relate to the story itself, or the ideas it presents. Consider, how relevant is the topic or the theme our lives?
-for instance: it can be questions like how the Vastness of the Dark relate to the other short stories.
=Because we will have one starting discussing and one closing discussion in the class be creative and try to focus on two different discussions.
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