

Synthesizing Your Own Approach to Leadership Custom Essay

Follow instruction curtail it to the instructions below make all changes as needed (make word count 2100)

•Does this learner make a clear statement of her or his own leadership approach?

•Did the learner submit a video or presentation that conformed to the requirements (under 5 minutes for video or 5-15 slides/2000 words for a written submission)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Taking on a new leadership role” (module 2)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Getting oriented and assessing your team (module 3)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Communication in an age of radical transparency” (module 4)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Leading collaboration” (module 5)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Motivating and Inspiring” (module 6)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Effective governance” (module 7)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Leading change” (module 8)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Managing talent” (module 9)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Leading in crisis” (module 10)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Leading innovation” (module 11)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Leading execution” (module 12)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Public life, private life,” (module 13)?

•Does the statement address the topic “Vision and the role of culture” (module 14)?

•Does the statement make appropriate use of examples from the story of Jim Barton and SMA?

•Does the statement make appropriate use of evidence or examples from some other (non-SMA or Jim Barton) cases addressed in the course (The Financial Crisis of 2008, Lord John Browne, others)?

•Does the statement make appropriate use of concepts, theories or frameworks from the course (such as a theory of motivation, or a modern leadership theory)?

•Does the statement seem well integrated — that is, does it seem like more than just a list of answers to the issues raised in each of the module 2 to 14 topics?

•Overall, were you impressed by this statement or did you learn something from it?

Develop a statement of your own personal approach to 21st century leadership, which

b) addresses the leadership topics we have touched upon modules 2 through 14 in this course (e.g., leading collaboration, leading change, and so on), and…

c) making use, as appropriate, of concepts, frameworks, theories, evidence, and examples you’ve encountered throughout the course.

You may also wish to specifically identify 20th century influences on leaders’ thinking that you believe should be rejected, or reduced in influence, to meet 21st century challenges.


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