Take Home Exam Custom Essay
1. Choose any one chapter from the book entitled “The Artist in Crisis” and write 250-500 words maximum (essay style and NOT point-form) on what you found to be most important, significant, or interesting in that chapter for your understanding of what music means to you. Do not choose a reading that you may have done for a Presentation and do not duplicate any written material from your final paper or CD assignment. If you do duplicate any material you will receive a zero for that particular answer.
The chapters I have done for my final paper and CD assignment are Implications of Anxiety: Punishment and Despair, Subjectivity and Objectivity, and The Artist and the Public. (DO NOT USE THOSE CHAPTERS)
2. Choose any one chapter from the book entitled “Making Sense of Music” and write 250-500 words maximum (essay style and NOT point-form) on what is most important and significant in it for your understanding of what music means to you. Do not choose a reading that you may have done for a Presentation and do not duplicate any written material from your final paper or CD assignment. If you do duplicate any material you will receive a zero for that particular answer.
The chapters I have done for my final paper and CD assignment are Towards Performance and Performing, The Music Curriculum and Listening and Appraising. (DO NOT USE THOSE CHAPTERS)
3. Choose any FIVE readings from the following readings below. For each one of the readings that you choose discuss one or more ideas that you found to be of interest to your understanding of music throughout our course (250 to 500 words maximum for each of the readings, essay style and NOT point-form). Everyone must choose “Popular Music and the Intolerant Classroom” as one of their five selections. Do not choose a reading that you may have done for a Presentation and do not duplicate any written material from your final paper or CD assignment. If you do duplicate any material you will receive a zero for that particular answer.
“Music as a Representational Art”
“How Music Moves”
“Music as Philosophy”
“Song and Music Drama”
“Popular Music and the Intolerant Classroom”
“Music and History”
“Performance and Obligation”
4. Explain how Tchaikovsky’s music can be used to teach about tolerance to homosexuality in a senior secondary high school. (250 to 500 words maximum, essay style and NOT point-form).
(This is the only question need reference, please search online. One or two reference is enough).
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