

  • Essay
  • November 5th, 2013

That compares/contrasts the themes presented in the Rivoli and Fishman books Custom Essay

For my Economic Geography class, I am suppose to write a 3.5 paper on compare/contrast Pietra Rivoli’s "The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade" and Charles Fishman’s The Wal-mart effect book. These two books are side books for my class and the main book we use is Peter Dickens’ Global Shift. What do in class is we read the global shift book throughout the semester. During the semester, we’ll take a week break from the global shift book, read the whole t-shirt book, discuss the t-shirt book and compare/contrast it to the global shift book. The same thing happens when it’s time to read the Wal-mart effect and then we discuss all three. PLEASE REMEMBER that the paper is comparing/contrasting the t-shirt and wal-mart book but please add some information you found in the global shift since the global shift book is what we discuss in call. Please read the global shift book first so you have a good idea how the paper should be written. I will attach a PDF of the Rivoli’s T-shirt, Dickens’ global shift along with a summary sheet. I could not the a PDF of the Walmart effect book, I was wondering if you can find it, but please let me know asap if you can’t. ON THE BOTTOM IS THE INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SO PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM.

Thank you

• Writing Assignment: Each student will submit a paper of not more than 1,000 words (worth 30% of the final grade) that compares/contrasts the themes presented in the Rivoli and Fishman books. Papers are due at the start of discussion in the week indicated on the class schedule.

• Paper question. Synthesize the material presented in the Rivoli and Fishman books with the lecture material presented throughout the course. This is not a summary of the books’ content. You are to assess each author’s account of the factors driving the spatial patterns of economic activities and the implications of these spatial configurations for workers, consumers, and other affected populations in different parts of the world. You must also evaluate how well each author’s argument incorporates geographic concepts in explaining socio-economic processes. It may be helpful to think of the following questions: How does the material presented in each book relate to the geographic trends in global production networks discussed in class? What evidence did the authors provide to illustrate the complexity of economic processes and how these are influenced by space?


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