The Investigation of Traffic Accidents in the UAE
The researcher proposes to address the investigation of traffic accidents in the UAE. Apart from needing some more detail on the time frames associated with the statistics provided, the introduction offers a clear and concise overview of the issues. This is followed by clear identification of appropriate and manageable research questions for masters’-level save one. The research question – To what extent do road traffic accidents in Abu Dhabi affect public health? – seems overbroad in the context of the proposed research. If the researcher can highlight any of these issues in the research that is a bonus, but the other three research questions seem more appropriate. The literature review is well structured with appropriate use of sub-headings that link to the research questions. The researcher invokes a helpful range of literature sources and makes effective use of graphics to demonstrate some trend data (though this is from a 2005 publication and thus a little dated, but interesting nonetheless). The methodology is generally well presented and offers useful discussion of methods literature. The author notes that quantitative research is also selected in this study because it enhances generalizability and facilitates easy data analysis [is the goal at masters’-level to engage in easy data analysis?]. At the same time, the researcher also includes the opportunity for some primary data collection involving a 100 participants and the use of a questionnaire. This primary data collection discussion would have benefited from more explicit elaboration and ‘nuts and bolts’ discussion of recruitment and sampling techniques, and there appears to be some methodological confusion. If the researcher collects informed consent from questionnaire respondents and they will receive the questionnaires via email and not be required to include their names … there is some confusion here as you need names or some other form of unique identifier to allow connection between the consent sheet and the data collected as this will be necessary to allow participants to withdraw their participation, and for you to remove their data if they choose to withdraw. road traffic accidents remain to be a global concern [road traffic accidents remain a global concern], traffic accidents in the UAE has declined by 23% [over what time frame, for statistics it is important to provide the time frame], UAE’s traffic regulations [UAE traffic regulations], fast driving [speeding, that is, to exceed the speed limit, or by fast driving do you mean something else like driving within the speed limit but too fast for conditions], Overall this work was presented to a very good standard. Note that items in [square brackets] refer to corrections and notes relating to corrections and identification of good practice in academic writing.
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