

  • Essay
  • December 9th, 2013

The L.A. Philharmonic

This concert report will be due in class on December 4. Late papers will be accepted with 10% penalty.

The goal of this project is to write a letter to a non-classically inclined music friend, and try to persuade this friend/relative of yours to attend a classical music

concert with you in the future. You should attempt to convince the recipient of your letter why he/she might enjoy classical music by describing a recent concert

experience of your own. In other words, in this letter it is your job to enlighten your non-classically inclined music friend with information on the composer, period,

genre, and style of music you encountered at your recent concert experience, based on library research and knowledge from class.

To do this assignment, you will need to complete the following:

1) attend a concert featuring music from the Romantic era (may include Beethoven) to the 20th century;

2) research a composer (heard at the concert), using at least five sources?note: only selected internet research is acceptable for this project; you should first

consider using classical music books on reserve under ?Zusman? and the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, your textbook and eAnthology, program notes from the

concert, as well as articles accessed through the SMC library online databases, including the Oxford Companion to Music or JSTOR (please use articles written after


3) look up the composer/piece you heard on YouTube to refresh your memory and focus your comments;

4) write a 5- to 6-paged letter addressed to your non-classically inclined music friend, double-spaced with 1? margins, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font;

5) include at least five MLA references throughout the letter and a bibliography at the end (which is not included in page length requirement).

In selecting your concert, consult the following websites for ideas:

LA Weekly: https://www.laweekly.com/events/genre/classical-537549

Southern California Orchestra List: https://www.palosverdes.com/SoCalOrch

Chamber Music Newsletter: https://sundayslive.org/newsletter.cfm

SMC Broad Stage: https://www.smc.edu/ACG/Marketing/Events/Pages/Music-Concerts.aspx

As you write your letter, you might consider describing the following about your concert experience:

– where the event took place; what the performing environment was like; whether the musicians

played/sung on an elevated stage or on ground level; what you thought of the conductor

– what the audience was like; how well it was attended

– how the musical program was organized; how many pieces were on the program; what type of

instrumentation you encountered

For your research, focus on one work by one of the composers performed at the concert. This should NOT be a work we learned in class, but closely related to one you

have studied. You might consider writing about the composer?s personal life and the social-historical setting, as you attempt to show your friend why classical music

is more than just ?notes on a page.? Next, you should make an effort to compare the work to a similar work we studied in class, to the highest extent possible, in

terms of compositional techniques, instrumentation, genre, etc. Look the piece up on YouTube to get a second (and third) listen! Build on what you have learned in

class lectures and personal experience to demonstrate your knowledge of the composer and musical work performed.

You must also include a bibliography at the end of your letter. This should be formatted properly and arranged in alphabetical order: Last name, First name. Title, ed.

City: Publisher, Copyright Year.

Example: Rosen, Charles. The Classical Style, Expanded edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 1997.

Throughout the letter, use MLA format, including the author?s name & page number in parentheses. Example: (Rosen 176). Keep in mind that if you do not acknowledge a

particular idea or interesting fact is borrowed from another source?or if you copy an entire sentence(s) without giving credit to the author?then you will be guilty of

plagiarizing and subject to receiving a failing grade.


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