

  • Essay
  • December 3rd, 2013

The main plot and several sub-plots evolve and intertwine leading to the interaction of characters and to conflict Custom Essay

Chinese Opera ( Peony Pavilion ) .. and then mention which section title you chose

Jingju Opera: Structure and Character Roles
Four -Part Frameworkto the Narrative Structure:
1. Introduction of each of the characters as the plot unfolds.
2. The main plot and several sub-plots evolve and intertwine leading to the interaction of

characters and to conflict. A dramatic event near the end of this part forces the characters to

separate from each other as the plot moves towards its first climax.
3. The plot further thickens as it moves toward bringing the characters back together for a

dramatic conclusion.
4. This part contains a scene of celebration and pageantry called du tuanyuan or the “grand

Four Main Scene Types:
1. Narrative: meant to develop the main plot.
2. Lyrical: involves the hero and heroine singing many arias
3. Action: involves combat and acrobatics.
4. Interlude: short, consisting of a few arias.
Five Categories of Actors:
1. Sheng: male role
2. Dan: female role
3. Jing: painted face role
4. Mo: subsidiary male role
5. Chou: comic role
JingjuOpera: Modes of Expression
Singing and Speech:
• Actors utilize a range of different modes of vocal production, from melismatic singing to the

declaration of poems in everyday conversational speech.
• The style of speech employed by each actor is determined by their character’s social class.
• Upper Class characters use the technique of Heightened speech, which takes the musical

pitches already existing in Chinese languages and magnifies them. This is done by increasing

the pitch range in both ascending and descending sets of verbal syllables. In addition,

syllables are given a longer duration than would be found in everyday speech.
• Lower Class characters use the regular pitch differentials and rhythms of everyday speech.
• The Jinghu fiddle cues the actors in advance of each and every song sung in the opera. The

fiddle also follows the actor’s phrasing as he or she sings. In this way the entire orchestra

(which follows the jinghu) remains completely in sync with the expression of the actors. [Hint:

One way you can tell if an upper class character is singing or using heightened speech is by

the presence or absence of the Jinghu fiddle.]

Acting an Fighting:
• This area covers a gamut extending from facial expressions to postures, gestures, mime, as

well as choreographed fighting and acrobatics.
• Upper Class characters: wear more elaborate clothing which helps them to maintain a sense of

refinement in their interactions with one another. For example, both the male and female lead

characters have costumes that feature extra-long sleeves. They use these to cover their hands

when coming in contact with each other, so that they never touch skin-to-skin.
• Lower Class characters:wear regular clothing and make contact with each other without the

necessity of covered hands.
• All facial expressions: are prescribed dependent upon the specific character being played.

Notice the subtlety and range of emotional expression in the faces of the male and female lead

in comparison to their servants.
Peony Pavilion (origins and performance)
• Based upon a play by Tang Xianzu, written during the Ming Dynasty, but set in the last days

of the Song Dynasty.
• First Performed in 1598.
• Plot focuses upon a love story between a young woman, Du Liniang, and a scholar, Liu Mengmei.
• The full opera has 55 scenes and takes over 20 hours to perform. First full performance in

300 years took place in New York City in 1999.
• Version watched in class: 1999 performance at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in NYC.
Peony Pavilion Plot (Story)
• On a beautiful spring day, Du Liniang’s personal servant convinces her to take a walk in the

Peony Garden.
• Du Liniang falls asleep in the garden and has a dream.
• In her dream, she meets the young scholar, Liu Mengmei, who she has never met before in

• Liu’s bold advances start off a flaming romance between the two, and it flourishes rapidly.
• Upon awakening, Du Liniang becomes completely obsessed with her dream love affair. Unable to

recover from her fixation, she wastes away and dies.
• The President of the Underworld decides that a marriage between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei is

predestined. He sends Du back to the earthly realm where she appears to Liu in his dreams.
• One day Liu Mengmei comes upon the garden where Du Liniang had her dream. It is there that he

realizes that the woman in his dreams is the daughter of Du Bao.
• Liu Mengmei exhumes Du Liniang’s body and she comes back to life.
• Liu informs Du Bao of his daughter’s resurrection, but Du Bao reacts by having Liu arrested

for being an imposter and for grave robbing.
• Liu narrowly escapes death by torture when officials discover that he obtained the highest

score on the Imperial Examination. The Emperor personally pardons the young scholar, Liu

ASSIGNMENT – to be developed into an essay for the Final Exam

• While watching the opera, choose onesection to document in detail.

• The section titles are as follows:

1. The Story of Du Liniang (female lead – Dan)
2. The Garden
3. LuiMengmei: the Scholar (male lead – Sheng)
4. The Portrait: Pintang
5. Death – of Du Liniang
6. The Underworld
7. A Great Romance
8. Exhuming the Coffin
9. Mother and Daughter Reunion
10. Reconciliation

• Your documentation must include an analysis of the following items:

1. State what is happening in the plot during the section.
2. List of the scene types in the order in which they occur.
3. List of the characters and their character types, including which ones appear together

within each scene.
4. A detailed analysis of the particular modes of expression(heightened speech, singing,

gestures using particular socially dictated ways of interacting – for example the use of

elongated sleeves when touching one another) used within each scene and the characters that

employed these modes. You should also include fighting and/or acrobatics when these appear.

Facial expressions can also be documented as these apply in the scene, but this is optional.
5. Give your overall impression of the entire opera and story: Explain the ways in which this

story is still relevant in 2013.
* the assignment where it says( ASSIGNMENT – to be developed into an essay for the Final Exam)

, What you have to do is watch a (Chinese opera peony pavilion) and then choose one section .

you have to watch the full play and understand it very well so you can give the right

information is also gonna be in the final so please make sure its right information . you can

find it on YouTube or if you know any website that shows the full play please go ahead and do

it because we did watch it in class


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