The treatment plan should pertain to real areas or problems of the "client's" life expressed during the treatment session that need improvement Custom Essay
1. The treatment plan should pertain to real areas or problems of the "client’s" life expressed during
the treatment session that need improvement. COMPLETED BY SUZANNE
2. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
3. The team will submit the treatment plan and the reporter’s reaction.
4. Perform the following roles:
• Adolescent Client: Get creative about who the client is and what substance he or she is using, the family
background, law violations, etc. COMPLETED BY SUZANNE
• Counselor: The counselor will utilize an assessment similar to the week’s assigned readings to develop a
treatment plan. COMPLETED BY ROVIN
THIS IS WHAT I NEED: I AM DONALD the reporter in a conference call. I must have the References from the
assignment within the 200-300 word about treatment planning. Reply to SUZANNE as well as ROVIN in a mock
conversation , me Donald being the Reporter with a paper of 200-300 words also citings. Then provide references
at the end.
• Reporter: The reporter will write a reaction paper of 200-300 words about the treatment planning process of the
Suzanne Tanner/ Therapist
Mary is a 17-year-old student at Weber High School. She was referred to the school counselor for truancy. At that
time, the school counselor noticed signs of possible impairment. The school counselor contacted Mary’s mother and
she came to the school to pick her up. Mary admits to having a shot of vodka after lunch. Mary’s mother states
that Mary has been coming home late smelling of alcohol on the weekends and occasionally has been out late on
school nights as well. She has struggled in school due to a learning disability but she has maintained her
grades. The last six months her grades have declined and she has several missed assignments.
Mary is the youngest child. She has two sisters and a brother. Parents have been married for 30 years. Mary was
adopted. Her birth mother was a drug and alcohol user and it is suspected that she used during her pregnancy.
Mary has supportive parents and comes from a close net family. They are active in their church. Mary’s father is
a dentist. Mary’s mother was a nurse but she did not practice. She stayed home with the children. Mary’s mother
struggled with opioid addiction for several years after a car accident. She went through detox and inpatient
treatment several years ago. Presently, she has been volunteering in the church recovery program, which is
similar to AA program.
Mary struggles socially and does not have many friends. She is outgoing and friendly but immature for her age and
a little odd socially. The girls in her church do not invite her to their activities. Mary feels ostracized,
misunderstood, and alone. Several months ago, she started hanging out with another group of kids at school that
seemed to accept her. Unfortunately, this group of kids introduced her to drugs and alcohol.
Mary admits to using alcohol 3 to 4 times a week. When she hangs out with her friends on the weekend, they
usually binge drink. On those nights, she consumes five or six drinks of vodka. She admits to smoking marijuana,
taking unknown pills, and OxyContin. The law fortunately has not caught her.
Rovin Chonielall / THE COUNSELOR
One post
Re: Adolescent Client
I believe that since Mary had been intoxicated at the time
of her initial meeting with her school counselor I would offer inpatient detox
program. After detox for three days to a week, I would recommend completing a 30
day inpatient drug rehab program. I recommended several evaluations by deferent
professionals. I would recommended a drug and alcohol assessments because she
have a personal and family history of drug use. I will recommend an evaluation
by a License Professional counselor to discuss her learning disabilities and to
find out if there is anything else she would need help as far as counseling
As far as drug and alcohol treatment goes, she would need to
continue with intensive outpatient drug counseling. She will need to attend
groups daily to learn socializations skills. She will need one and one therapy
to discuss her past family history and to develop new coping skills with her
drug and alcohol use. She would need to attend young people’s AA meetings. She
will need to form a network to develop positive relationships. Obtain a sponsor
to guide her through the 12 steps process. She needs to take up a commitment to
continue attending AA meetings. She would need to maintain long sobriety, get a
physical exam by and qualify medical professional. She needs tutoring and
assistance with her schoolwork. The plan is for Mary when she is ready to go
back to the school and work with her school counselor to develop a plan to
continue her education. She will need assistance from a qualify professional to
work through some of her family problems.
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